Got tagged by Kas to do this so gonna do it xD
But first: YOU'RE SO EVIL, KAS! xD I'm not 5 x)
Okay so here we go, but I gotta warn you all. It's gonna be very, very short I think.
Wrath: Hmm.. Can't say that I've actually angry the past 12 months but I've been mighty annoyed at my mom's family and my dad. Can't wait until I can get out of that place.
Greed: Well.. I do want money but I'm not really greedy enough to not share when I have something or buy something for someone. I'm willing to help if someone asks me so I can't really say greed is one of my greater sins.
Sloth: Hahah well I said greed isn't one of my greatest sins, but sloth definitely is. I can be such a lazy person sometimes and it isn't doing me any good AT ALL. xD Bad habit that I gotta do something about. I'm not such a sloth that I don't bother to take care of other living beings that need my care though.
Pride: Well.. I'm proud of my ability to learn language. But I'm not bragging about it so I wouldn't say it's a sin. It's good to feel a little proud about something.
Lust: Ahahaha well lately lust have been a great sin of mine. But I can't say the lust has been satisfied. xD
Envy: Another great sin of mine. I don't think it's unusual for any girl to feel envy a lot. I envy my friends because they look better than me, are more sociable than I am, have more money than me, and so on and so forth. I don't envy them enough to turn them into enemies though, thank goodness. x)
Gluttony: Not much of a glutton lately. Can go 12-15 hours without eating anything because I'm a sloth. I don't usually go that long without food anyway because I know it's unhealthy. Same thing the other way around, I don't eat too much just because I can, because I know that's unhealthy too.
And that's all! Told you it wouldn't be much! x)