Saturday, August 27, 2011

Survey nummer 2

So... when I'm bored... I have this... tendency, to steal ideas from the people I know. And I'm bored tonight, so tonight I am stealing Kas' survey things. Cause currently he's the only one I know here.

Whoever is wasting their time reading what will follow; I hope you will enjoy it. o.o

1.) What curse word do you use the most? Hell.. but in Swedish.. In english I don't know.
2.) Do you own an iPod? I did. Gave to my brother cause I hated it.
3.) What time is your alarm clock set for? None at the moment.
4.) What color is your room? Err... Purple and black.
5.) Flip flops or sneakers? Sneakers. Definitely. How do people stand walking in flip-flops? O.o
6.) Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture? Take the picture. Standing in front of the camera only makes me nervous.
7.) What was the last movie you watched? Hmm... "Coraline".
8.) Do any of your friends have children? Yes, one.
9.) Has anyone ever called you lazy? Yup. Including myself lol.
10.) Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep faster? No! I avoid medication as much as I can.
11.) What CD is currently in your CD player? Err... none cause I have none.
12.) Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk? Chocolate milk.
13.) Has anyone told you a secret this week? Nope. The ones who trust me with their secrets have already told them to me.
14.) Have you ever given someone a hickey? Hahah me? No. xD
15.) Who was the last person to call you? Hmm... My mom I think.
16.) Do you think people talk about you behind your back? Definitely. Don't really care though.
17.) Did you watch cartoons as a child? Yup. Loads of them.
18.) How many siblings do you have? One.
19.) Are you shy around the opposite sex? Yes! I hate that about me.
20.) What movie do you know every line to? Oh wow.. Hmm... That would have to be either "Moulin Rouge" or "Repo! The Genetic Opera".
21.) Do you own any band t-shirts? Yes.
22.) What is your favorite salad dressing? Rhode Island.
23.) Do you read for fun? Yes. And to escape reality.
24.) Do you cry alot? I used to when I was a kid. Not anymore though.
25.) Have you ever farted in public? Name someone who hasn't.
26.) Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop? Both.
27.) Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoo? Yes. A new tattoo. Already have two though.
28.) What is the weather like? Grey. Boring.
29.) Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos? If they looked somewhat good in it, yes.
30.) Is sex before marriage wrong? LMAO hell no!
31.) When was the last time you slept on the floor? Oh wow... Can't remember. Couple of years ago maybe.
32.) How many hours of sleep do you need to function? At least 3.
33.) Are you in love or lust? Neither at the moment.
34.) Are your days full and fast-paced? Sadly, no.
35.) Do you pay attention to calories on the back of packages? Hell no. If I did I probably would only eat... air?
36.) How old will you be turning on your next birthday? 21. Yay!
37.) Are you picky about spelling and grammar? To an extent yes.
38.) Have you ever been to Six Flags? Err... no.
39.) Do you get along better with the same or opposite sex? I don't know. I make friends with the same sex easier though cause they don't scare me. o.o
40.) Do you like Cottage Cheese? I'm... not sure.
41.) Do you sleep on your side, tummy, or back? Side and tummy.
42.) Have you ever bid for something on eBay? Nope. I use the Swedish equivalent.
43.) Do you enjoy giving hugs? Yes.
44) What song did you last sing out loud? The Blind Will Lead The Blind by Sparzanza, an awesome song by an awesome band. :D
45) What is your favorite TV show? Currently that has to be "NCIS".
46) Which celebrity dead or alive would you want to have lunch with? Oh wow.. hmm.. I really don't know. Ask me again later. xD
47) Last time you had butterflies in your stomach? Err... that has been a while.
48) What one thing do you wish you had? A job. -.-
49) Favorite Lyrics? ”We are all ruled by our fears below, Higher high, We are stuck and can’t get out again, There’s more than we deny, And there’s more than meets the eye” Higher High by Epica.
50) Any last words? Nope. Oh well.. maybe. There's more like this to come. xD

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