Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Kas... Kas... Kas.... YOINK! -runs off-

Yeah so I stole this quiz from Kas 'cause it seemed like fun xD


Kind of pants - Jeans I guess although leggings/tights are really nice as well.

Number - 8

Animal - Cats I think... Or dogs.. Screw it, I'll say foxes!

Drink - Coke with a piece of lime and NO alcohol.

Sport - Basketball

Month - All of them.

Cartoon character - No idea. o.o

-Have you ever-

Been close to dying - Nope.

Loved someone so much it made you cry - I don't know.. so I guess not?

Broke a bone - Nope. Only every slightly cracked a rib.

Played truth or dare - Yup. :D

Ran away - From reality? Many, many times.

Broke someones heart - I.. don't know? Haven't really asked..

Cried over someones death - Yes.

Cried in school - Yes.

Fell off your chair - It has happened.

Saved e-mails - Nope.

Used someone - Nope.

-What is/are...-

Your good-luck charm - I guess it's a necklace with a piece of green quartz and a gold colored plate with my zodiac sign on it.

Your favorite song - Wolf Moon by Type O Negative

Next to you - Nova, my dog.

Your pet peeve - People who think they are so much better than others, basically.

Motivations - Umm.. travel?

-Ever had..-

Chicken Pox - No clue.. *goes to look it up* Oh yeah.

Sore throat - Yup.

A one night stand - Once and it was the worst choice ever.. >_> Like they say, "Curiosity killed the cat" lol xD

-Do you...-

Believe in love at first sight - No, I really don't. It'd be nice if such a thing was possible though.

Believe in long distance relationships - No.

Like school - Of the schools I've been to, I only ever liked one.

Get along with your family - Basiclly yes, all but one person.

Wear contact lenses or glasses - Glasses, when I drive..

Like filling out surveys - It's a nice way of killing time.

Like yourself - Somedays yes, but most days not really.


Was the last person who called you - My irl best friend.

Makes you smile the most - Oh, quite a few.

Knows you best - Ljungan, Evve and Kas.

Took this survey 1st - No clue. lol Silly question.

Gets on your nerves - People that doesn't ask for help or someone to listen when they clearly need it, such as my mother. -.-

-Yesterday did you...-

Talk to someone you liked - Yeah.

Buy something - Nope.

Get sick - Nope.

Miss someone - Yep.

Talk to an ex - Lol what ex? XD

-Last person who...-

Slept in your bed - Err... does the dog count? o.o

Saw or heard you cry - Well it was on the same night and almost the same time, so my parents.. >_<

Went to the movies with - Wow... myself? Cause no one wants to go with me -.- Or rather, they have better things to do I guess. >_>

Told you they loved you - Err... oh right... Pelle, aka my dad.

You said I love you to - Wow... can't remember.

You fought with - Pelle.

You made fun of - Hmm.... Ljungan xD

Made fun of you - Oh probably someone. I don't know. xD

-Pick one-

Are you righty or lefty - Righty.

Scary or Funny movie - Both. Although scary fits the season more xD

Chocolate or Vanilla - Both darn it!

Coffee or Tea - Tea!

Summer or Winter - Both!

Diamond or Pearl - Pearls.

Pepsi or Coke - I'll go with Pepsi.

Strawberry or Watermelon - Both.

Citrus or Berry - Both. xD


Hated anyone in your family - Yes, and still do.

Gotten any awards - lol from where? XD No. I haven't.

Good singer - Err... I've been told I am?

What was your last dream about - Oh wow... Can't remember even though I dreamt just this morning.

When did you last shower - A few days ago.

What book are you reading now - The Radleys by Matt Haig

Best feeling in the world - Knowing tha the people I cherish, cherish me as well.

What's underneath your bed - Dust? xD

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal - Nope, I have the real thing! XD

What are you most scared of right now - Dying alone or losing everyone of my friends.

Are you lonely right now - Nope.. well at least I don't reflect whether I am or not.

Song thats stuck in your head right now - Narcissistic Cannibal by Korn

First thing you notice on opposite sex - Eyes, hair and arms xD

Are you to shy to ask someone out - Haha yes. If I were to ask someone it would most likely come out as: "Wouldwithyououtgome?" xD Incoherent much.

What are you wearing right now - Err... cozy pants and a tanktop.

Favorite flower - Forget-me-not.

How many pillows do you sleep with - 2

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