1.What time is it?
- 22:21 or 10:21 pm.
2.Do you want to answer these?
- I think so.
- Jennifer "Jenni" Johansson.
4.Name spelled backwards?
- Refinnej "Innej" Nossnahoj.
5.What is your quest?
- Good question.
- Jenni, Jen, Jinxy or Red.
- 21.
- Vargön, Sweden.
9.What were you born in?
- .................
10.Where do you live now?
- Same shitty place that I've lived in for the past 21 years..
11.What state/county?
- Västra Götaland/Vänersborg.
12.Ever going to move?
- Definitely.
13.Would you rather live somewhere else?
- Yes.
- 8/9 1990
15.When do you blow out your candles?
- ..?
16.Day you were born?
- You think I'd know that?
17.Zodiac sign?
- Virgo.
18.Do you know what that is?
- Yes, very well.
- Stupid question..
- 163 cm. Not even gonna try to convert that into feet and inches.
- 58 kg last I checked but that was a little while ago.
22.Eye color?
- Blue.
23.Hair color?
- Dyed red.
24.Any siblings?
- Yes.
25.Names and ages?
- Rickard, 18.
26.Do you get along with them?
- Yes.
27.Any pets?
- Three.
- Bea, Nova and Artemis/Artie.
- Umm... No. I was born from the earth... gee, what do you think?
- Elisabeth and Per-Erik.
31.Do you get along with them?
- Mother yes, father not really.
32.Married or divorced?
- As divorced as can be.
33.How long?
- About 12 years now.
- This blog.
- Why would anyone need it?
36.AOL s/n?
- AO-what? No clue.
37.Yahoo s/n?
- Have one but doesn't use it.
- Again, what are you talking about?
- Stopped using that a while ago.
40.How many people are on your buddy list?
- Don't know and don't care as long as I like them.
41.Phone number?
- Again, who needs it?
- Pissy.
43. Do you want to answer these?
- Stupid Q.
44.What school did you go to?
- Who cares? I went to stupid schools in a shitty town.
45.What year are you?
- None.
46.What are you?
- Don't know.
47.Hardest class?
- Math..
48.Easiest class?
- English and Choir.
49.Most fun class?
- Choir and English.
50.What day did school start?
- Another dumb Q.
51.Did you have classes with friends?
- Yes.
52.Do you have friends?
- No cause I'm such an outcast... seriously.. yet another dumb Q.
53.Did you go to school events?
- Yes, my class were most of the time part of the events.
54.What was the last event you went to?
- Graduation? I don't know.
55.Do you have school spirit?
- Are you kidding? No. I don't and never did.
56.Do you go to dances?
- Dude, I live in Sweden. We don't have dances.
57.Who was your highschool sweetheart?
- None. I was anti-love in high school.
58. Do you want to answer these?
- The creator of this quiz has low IQ.
59.Have a significant other?
- No.
60.What is their name?
- Die.
61.How old are they?
- Die.
62.How long have you been going out?
- Die.
63.Have you been faithful?
- What's that?
64.Do you have a crush?
- Useless.
- Die.
66.Do they know you like them?
- Die.
67.You ever going to tell them?
- Useless.
68.Do you have an online crush?
- Useless.
- Die.
In the Past 24 Hours Have You?
70. Do you wonder why I’m asking these questions?
- Cause you've got nothing better to do?
71.Had a serious talk?
- With who?
72. Hugged someone?
- Yes.
73.Fought with a friend?
- No.
- No but give me a few more hours and I might............................................
- Yes.
76.Made someone laugh?
- No.
77.Bought something?
- No.
78.Cut your hair?
- No.
79.Felt stupid?
- 24/7.
80.Talked to someone you love?
- No.
81.Missed someone?
- Definitely.
Have-you-ever ?
82. You want me to tell you?
- ?
- No.
84.Stolen something?
- Yes. But I returned it.
85.Done drugs?
- No.
- Yes.
87.Gotten drunk?
- Yes.
88.Eaten an entire box of Oreos?
- Ewww..
89.Been dumped?
- No.
90.Had someone be unfaithful to you?
- No.
91.Hiked up a mountain?
- Yes.
92. Stayed home on Saturday night, just because?
- Not just because, but because there's nothing for me to do.
93.Been in love?
- Had a crush, yes. Been in love, very doubtful.
94.Seen the White House?
- No. Not interested in seeing it either.
95.Seen the Eiffel Tower?
- No.
96.Try smoking?
- No.
97.Played monopoly?
- Yes, many times. I win most of the time.
98.Seen Titanic?
- Yes. Once and never again.
99.Kissed someone?
- Refretfully so.
100.Tried a weight loss program?
- Nope.
101.Jumped on a trampoline?
- Yes.
102.Colored in a coloring book (and had fun)?
- Many, many times.
103.Had a bubble bath?
- Yes. Wishing I could have one now.
104.Been on a plane?
- Yes.
105.Been on a boat?
- Many times.
106.Been on a train?
- Yes. Too many times to count.
107.Been in a car accident?
- Twice or so. Nothing serious though.
108.Ridden an elephant?
- No.
109.Made a web page?
- Yes.
110.Played with Barbies?
- Yes. lol.
111.Stay up all night?
- Too many times.
112.Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean?
- No.
113.Called a psychic or sex hotline?
- No, but my friend and I prank called a dating hotline. It was hilarious. xD
114.Watched Jerry Springer?
- Yes.
115.Gotten in trouble for talking in class?
- A few times.
116.Been afraid of the dark?
- Yes.
117.Been in the hospital (not visiting)?
- Yes.
118.Had stitches?
- Once.
119.Dumped someone and regretted it?
- No.
120.Gone out with more than one person at a time?
- No. Never actually gone out with anyone lol.
- As many times as the holiest of holy.
122.Been arrested?
- Nope.
123.Fallen asleep in class?
- A couple of times, yes.
124.Gotten in trouble in class?
- No.
125.Used food for something other than to eat?
- No.
126.Met a celebrity?
- Nope.
127.Broken the law?
- Not really.
128.Ever loved someone so much it made you cry?
- I don't know.
129.Hated yourself?
- Countless times.
130.Been broken hearted?
- No.
131.Broken someone’s heart?
- I don't think so.
132.Are you a virgin?
- Not anymore.
133.Done something really stupid?
- Not yet.
134.Been arrested?
- No...
135.Hurt a friend?
- I don't know.
136.Broken a bone?
- Nope. Only cracked one.
137.Ever had a crush on a teacher?
- No. Oh wait.. maybe, but he wasn't really a teacher, more like an assisstant.
138. Why do you want to know?
- Your IQ is going lower on the scale with each Q.
139.Guy name?
- I don't know nor do I care.
140.Girl name?
- Same as above.
- Again, don't care.
- Purple.
- Halloween.
144.Day of the week?
- Don't care.
- Koppargrillen in Vänersborg.
146.Fastfood restaurant?
- No idea.
- No idea.
- Wof, dog, cat, horse.
- Cat, dog or horse.
- Sweden Rock Shop atm.
- Etage and Överby in Trollhättan, not to far from where I live.
152.Clothes brand?
- Queen of Darkness or Iron Fist.
- Coca-Cola.
- Most of the drinks I make myself.
- Guitarr, harp or piano.
- Love all the seasons.
- 8 and 9.
158.Radio station?
- Bandit Rock.
- Wolf Moon by Type O Negative.
- Basketball. Only when I play it though. Hate watching any kind of sport.
161.Vacation spot?
- Don't care.
- What makes you think I have a favourite state in the first place?
- So far it's Italy cause I haven't been anywhere else really.
- Rose or Forget-me-not.
- Don't care.
166.Thing to do?
- Don't care.
- None.
- None.
- None.
- None.
- None.
- None.
- None.
- Youtube and Animefreak.
- The Snow-Walker's Son trilogy by Catherine Fisher.
176.Quality about yourself?
- None.
177.Your best friend?
- Ljungan.
178.Your best guy friend?
- Kas.
179.Your best girl friend?
- Ljungan.
- Strawberries.
- Carrot.
- Any.
- None.
- None.
185.Type of movie?
- Comedy or Horror/Thriller.
- Most kinds.
- English or Japanese.
- Any tattoo magazine.
- None.
- Sweden Rock Shop.
- None.
192.Day of the week?
- None.
- Roy Khan from Kamelot.
- None.
195.Why are you so curious?
- Why are you so dumb?
196.Like to swim?
- Yes.
197.Like to dance?
- Yes.
198.Have a pool?
- No.
199.Have a car?
- No.
200.Going to get a car?
- Someday.
201.Your motto?
- No.
202.What do you look for in a friend?
- Honesty.
203.What do you look for in the opposite sex?
- I don't know. Something that attracts me apparently.
204.Time you get up?
- Depends.
205.Time you go to bed?
- Depends.
206.What color are the sheets on your bed?
- Red and black.
207.How many pillows?
- 2.
208.Ever skip school?
- Too many times.
209.Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
- No.
210.What did you eat for dinner?
- Dunno.
211.What are you wearing?
- Pajamas.
212.What movie makes you cry?
- Don't know.
213.What book makes you cry?
- Well.. Cell by Stephen King made me cry.
214.What song makes you cry?
- Can't remember now.
215.What/Who makes you laugh so hard you cry?
- Ljungan, Kas and a few other people that no one knows anyway.
216.What is your favorite possession?
- A necklace.
217.What physical, tangible possession do you want most?
- ......
218.How badly do you want it?
- .......
219.Have you ever seen The Exorcist?
- Yes.
220.How long did it take you to understand why that question is here?
- Why would I bother understanding?
221.Does Christmas music played too far away from Christmas annoy you?
- During summer, yes.
222.How old do you think you will be before you stop liking getting older?
- Don't know and don't care.
223.What was the best Halloween costume you ever had?
- The one I had in 2011, I was Alice from Alice: Madness Returns.
224.What was the worst Halloween costume you ever had?
- Every single one I had before 2011.
225.What holiday do you think has still managed to retain its original meaning?
- None. Well... Maybe Midsummer's Eve..
226.There are currently no federal holidays during August-what should be put there?
- Nothing.
227.How good is your short-term memory?
- Bad.
228.How good is your short-term memory?
- Sorry, what was the question again?
229.(Not very good I see, I repeated that question, did you notice?)
- Nooo.. not at all.. (please note the sarcasm dripping from this asnwer.)
230.How good is your long-term memory?
- Just as bad as the other one.
231.What is your earliest memory?
- Don't care.
232.What is your happiest memory (other than receiving this survey)?
- Don't care.
233.What is your strangest memory?
- None.
234.What is your worst memory?
- Don't care.
235.What song, movie, etc.
- Wow... IQ=0
236.What song, movie, etc.
- Look above.
237.What size are your feet?
- Proportional to my body.
238.If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel?
- Happy that someone has that interest at all.
239.Do you prefer getting to know someone first before dating them or going “blind”?
- Don't know and don't care.
240.Could you carry on a relationship with someone with the same first name as a family member?
- I could, depending on which family member had the same name.
241.Have you ever wished it was more “socially acceptable” for a girl to ask a guy out?
- Sure. Don't see why it isn't already though.
242.What’s your opinion on sex without emotional commitment?
- Fine by me but I wouldn't be able to do that for long.
243.Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive?
- Physically unattractive is misleading because it all depends on personal preference.
244.Do you think the opposite sex finds you good-looking?
- I sure hope so.
245.Would you be willing to give up sex in exchange for an emotional commitment you knew would last?
- No because emotions will fade just like everything else. I'd rather have a good time with the person while we still share the same feelings instead of letting everything fade into nothingness.
246.Do you laugh when you hear or read the number 69?
- No.
247.Were you lying about your answer to the previous question?
- Nope.
248.Do you actually know your Social Security Number?
- I don't think so.
249.Do you actually know your IP address?
- Nope.
250.Do you know what an IP address is?
- Yes.
251.Do you know the four-character extension on your ZIP code?
- No. Don't think we have that here.
252.Ever think there were too many numbers floating around in our lives?
- Nope.
253.Does your head begin to hurt when you think of infinity,imaginary numbers, irrational numbers, etc.?
- Don't know. Haven't tried.
254.What do you think of pi, you know, 3.14152967 etc..?
- What is there to think about it?
255.Do you have a driver’s license?
- Yes.
256.Do you sometimes see a movie or watch a show just because a good-looking celebrity is in it?
- Not really, no. Good looking celebs is just a bonus.
257.What celebrity’s autograph do you want most?
- None.
258.Have people ever said you looked like a celebrity, and if so, who?
- Yes. I've been compared to the singer in the Ting-Tings and strangely enough even to Hayley Williams in Paramore. o.o
259.If there was to be a movie about you, who do you think should play you (in personality, looks or both)?
- Good question.
260.Does it ever annoy you when you know someone is a celebrity but you can’t remember who they are?
- Yes.
261.If you could enter any celebrity’s mind like in “Being John Malkovich”, whose would you enter?
- None.
262.Do you want to be John Malkovich?
- No.
263.Have you ever wished you could experience being the other gender?
- No. I'm perfectly fine with driving well and not being driven by sex.
264.What do you love most about the other gender?
- No idea but something, since I'm attracted to them.
265.What do you dislike most about the other gender?
- Something.
266.What do you understand least about the other gender?
- Nothing really. Yet.
267.Mac or PC?
- PC.
268.How much do you actually care about the inner workings of your computer or is it only as long as it works?
- It's interesting enough.
269.Do you ever begin preferring IMs to other forms of conversation?
- No not really.
270.Do you find you’re different talking through IMs than face-to-face or on the telephone?
- Definitely.
271.Have you ever bid on something on eBay and regretted it later?
- Nope.
272.If you had been born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name have been?
- I'm guessing it would have been Rickard, since that is the name they gave my brother.
273.Would you name a child of yours after you?
- Never.
274.If you had to switch first names with a friend of yours, who would you switch with?
- Evelina.
275.What’s the way people most often mispronounce any part of your name?
- None. They misspell my first name a lot though.
276.If you were to become famous, would you drop your last name (like Madonna, Cher, Roseanne)?
- Probably.
277.Like to give hugs?
- Yes.
278.Like to walk in the rain?
- Yes.
279.Sleep with or without clothes on?
- With clothes on.
280.Prefer black or blue pens?
- Black.
281.Dress up on Halloween?
- Absolutely.
282.Sleep on your side, tummy or back?
- Tummy most of the time.
283.Think you’re attractive?
- I have my good days.
284.Want to marry?
- Never.
285.Have a goldfish?
- No.
286.Ever have the falling dream?
- Yes.
287.Have stuffed animals?
- Not anymore.
288.Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?
- No but I respect those who do.
289.Do you think God has a gender?
- According to those who believe in him, he might or might not have.
290.Do you think science counteracts religion?
- Dunno and don't care.
291.Do you believe in organized religion?
- Err... not sure since I'm not part of any.
292.Where do you think we go when we die?
- Don't know and I won't care until the time comes.
293.How easy is it to make you laugh?
- Pretty easy.
295.Do you laugh at jokes you know you shouldn’t?
- Oh yes.
296.Do you tell jokes you know you shouldn’t?
- I might.
297.What words instantly make you laugh or at least smile?
- Good question.
298.What do you think is the funniest thing you’ve ever said or written?
- Ehehe sorry guys, this will be in swedish: "Här är Anledning som anropar antalet som alfabetet bor i." Okay so if I translate that it will be something like this: "Here is the Reason that Calls the Mass that the Alphabet lives in." That's a rough translation. I said that when I was 5 or 6.
299.Do you ever dance to music when nobody’s watching, when someone’s watching?
- Definitely.
300.What is/are the worst song(s) you have ever heard?
- Rebecka Black and anything Justin Bieber.
301.What song(s) do you wish you could understand a little better?
- None.
302.What song(s) are constantly in your head?
- Undo your mind by Eivor and Wolf Moon by Type O Negative.
303.What song(s) do you think describe your personality best?
- Hmm.. Probably... Bleh I don't knoe. Ask someone else.
Damn Jenni....just wanna hug yer grumpy self now xD *huggles*