Thursday, February 2, 2012


So.... It's what.. 3:37 am.. I can't sleep and I can't really pin-point the reason why, which bugs me like hell. Maybe I just have a bad habit? Or maybe I'm worried or excited about things happening in my life right now? Maybe both? Either way it's a pain in the ass as this is the third night in a row that I haven't slept well.
Does anyone have any suggestions on what to do, so I can sleep? It would be most appreciated.

Other than that, here's some good news (well good for me at least): I might get a job this summer! As a nanny. Which is great. It's a job here in Sweden and I didn't know if I could get it, but me and the mother who might hire me have been talking for a week now and today she asked if I wanted to come to them for an interview! It's like my bad luck is just gone. Things are almost going too smoothly so I almost expect something bad to happen any moment... Gosh I hope nothing bad happens. I really want this job!
So yeah. if I'm indeed going on an interview next week, please keep your fingers crossed for me? Or wish me luck? I might need it after all.

Well, that's all for now. Bye!