Monday, May 7, 2012

Am I girly?

Do you paint your nails?
- Sometimes, when I feel I have the time and want to.

Do you wash your hair every day?
- Definitely not.

Do you fix your hair nice everday?
- Nah not really. Just brush or comb through it. xD

Do you dress nice everyday?
- I dress how I want everyday, if it looks nice as well that's a bonus.

Do you drive a cute car?
- Well.. even though it's just on loan I do drive a small, blue Renault.

Do you carry a purse everywhere you go?
- Purse... a small bag? No. I carry a big bag wherever I go. xD

Do you paint your toes?
- Sometimes during summer. Other seasons it feels kinda pointless. xD

Do you have your room decorated pretty?
- Err... no my room leans toward the more gothic side of decorating. :D

Do you wear jewelry?
- Yes, I do. All though I do try to stay away from glittery and pink things, hehe.

Do you wear makeup?
- Yes. Whenever I feel like it.

Do you wear name brand clothes?
- Err... no. They're way to expensive when I can get the almost exact same thing at a much better price somewhere else.

Do you try to look better than other girls?
- Err no. I try to look as good as other girls xD

Do you like getting sweaty?
- No I don't like getting sweaty, but I like the good feeling it gives cause I know I've done something healthy.

Do you work?
- Yes.

If so, Where?
- Nowhere. I work as a nanny.

Do you love to shop?
- Yes, I do. Doesn't matter if it's just window shopping or actual shopping.

Where do you shop?
- Anywhere that's cheap and that has clothes that I like.

Do you wear purfume?
- Not really, no. Maybe on a special occasion I would, but otherwise no.

Do you get your Eye brows Waxed?
- ....... I dont.. O.o

If so, How often?
- Ehm... *points to the answer above*

Are you in a relationship?
- Hehe nope. Free as a bird right now and kinda enjoy it.. most of the time xD

If so,Do you make your man do everything for you?
- Wooooow.... no. Would never make a man do everything for me. >_<

What is your favorite color?
- Purple I guess.

Do you drink water or pop?
- Both?

Do you love shoes?
- Yes. O.o

If so,What is your fav kind?
- Oh~ tough one. I like boots and sneakers and litas and plenty more xD Take your pick xD

I tag anyone, girl or boy, that reads this, to do it as well.

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