Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Stolen from Kas

Have you ever:

Glued your fingers together?
- Yes. Not on purpose though.

Kissed a friend on the lips?
- Yes. Pretty recently too. x)

Kissed a brother/sister's friend?

Cheated on a test?
- Nope. Don't know why but I've never been able to make myself cheat on tests, even when I really could have used it. xD

Cheated on your homework?
- Nope. Don't see how I could. My parents watched me do it like hawks.. well at least my mom.

Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse?
- Bahahah xD No! XD

Back-stabbed a friend?
- No. Then I wouldn't have been any better than them.

Told people someone's deep, dark secret?
- Why should I? It's not my secret to tell. It'd be quite stupid of me to do that if someone trusts me that much.

Looked up something on the Internet you shouldn't have?
- I might have.

Lied to your parents/a boss?
- Lied to my parents alot back in the day. They always knew I was lying though so didn't do much good. xD

Lied to a friend?
- When I was younger, yes.

Lied to a boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse?

Lied to get money?
- Nope. I want to earn my money.

Lied to get out of doing something?
- Nope.

Lied to make yourself sound better?
- Plenty of times when I was younger.. can't believe I was like that. xD

Spread gossip?
- I couldn't even if I wanted to.

Made up a false rumor to get back at someone?
- Same as above.

Stolen money?
- No.

Stolen anything else?
- Kinda.

Talked about a "friend" behind their back? 
- Not about anything bad, no.

Talked about a family member behind their back?
- Maaaaaaaany times.

Talked about an enemy behind their back?
- I don't actually have enemies. Just hate objects.

Gotten in a big fight for no real reason?
- Nope.

Gotten in a big fight for a real reason?
- Nope. I'm just not a fighter.

Tried to draw attention to yourself for profit?
- No.

Tried to draw attention to someone's flaw?
- Well yeah if they're douches.

Thought lustfully of someone?
- Can't remember.

Stalked someone?
- Yes.... embarrassingly enough it was my now best friend. >_< I was an odd child in school. lol.

Posted a celebrity's picture on a wall/locker/roof?
- Yes. Have one of Kate Beckinsale in me and my brother's gaming room.

Had a mad celebrity crush on multiple celebs? Well... Kate Beckinsale, Jhonny Depp, Hugh Jackman, Robert Downey Jr and a few others. xD

Felt lustfully/lovingly about someone you've only met online?
- I think so.

Been divorced? - LMAO no! I'm 21 for goodness sake! XD

Done something bad because it was bad?
- No but the temptation is there. x)

Gotten your tongue stuck to anything?
- Actually know, which is a surprise cause I'm really a clumsy person..

Laughed at a joke that wasn't funny?
- A few times. Laughed more at jokes I know I shouldn't laugh at. xD

Let a friend harm themselves on purpose?
- No. Why would I let someone I care about hurt themselves?

Hurt yourself physically (on purpose)?
- Well... not severly, but yes, a little.

Felt as if you were inferior to anyone?
- Ooooh all the time until maybe 5 or 6 years ago.

Eaten something that wasn't yours?
- Well no. Not unless permitted.

Taken a crazy dare?
- Nope. Haven't actually played T or D that much, and I don't really count the times from when I was a kid.

Taken any dare so you wouldn't be "chicken"?
- Nope.

Gone streaking?
- Gone what-now?

Mooned/Flashed someone?
- Haha no. xD

Caused someone major embarrassment?
- Uhh... I don't think so. Embarrassed my friends sometimes just cause I am who I am, but I think they don't mind cause they're so similar xD

Bullied someone?
- No. Never have and never will.

Ruined someone's reputation on purpose? 
- No.

Hurt someone's reputation to make yours better?
- Same as above.

Lied to yourself to make you feel better?
- Well no. Can't say I have.

Pushed someone into a pool?
- Nope.

Accidentally hurt someone and not felt sorry?
- No.

Got in a fight with someone and never made up?
- Well.... kinda. Still wondering what started it cause they never told me why.

Bitten someone?
- Nope.

Farted and blamed it on someone else?
- Hehe no.

Lied to the general public?
- Nope.

Copied someone's homework because you didn't do it?
- Nope.

Skipped school for fun?
- Nope.

Skipped school to get out of a test?
- No.

Skipped school because you forgot to do something?
- Sometimes.

Made up a wild story and told people it was true?
- I can't remember, but it's very likely lol.

Told a little "white lie"?
- When I was younger I told plenty of white lies.

Wished someone was dead?
- Well... yes. Very much so.

Murdered someone?
- Hahaha wow. No. Definitely not. But had the urge once.

Murdered someone inside your head?
- Yes.

Apologized, but didn't mean it?
- A few times.

Made yourself cry so people would feel sorry for you?
- When I was little, plenty of times. Pathetic, I know.

Yelled at someone in public?
- Never.

Said something you wish you hadn't?
- Plenty of times.

Lied about saying something you wish you hadn't?
- No.

Kissed someone the day you met them?
- Yes... NOT ever gonna do that again I think. Big mistake.

Wanted to kiss a stranger?
- A few times.

Gotten pregnant/gotten someone pregnant before marriage?
- Thank goodness no!

Drank/did drugs/smoked a cigarette? Yes, no, no.

Lied to protect someone who only wants to hurt you?
- No. Don't think I ever have... probably.

Point out someone's flaws to cover up your own?
- Plenty of times when I was in high school.

And done!


  1. And here's me always dreaming and hoping you think lustfully over me *huffs* :O lol xD
