Would you like to learn how to pole dance?
- Sure, why not? It looks pretty awesome as long as you don't look like you have sex with the frickin' pole xD
Ever been to an adult store?
- Heh yes. Twice. Both of the times I was there for someone else.
Ever bought something from an adult store?
- Yes, but never for myself.
Ever played strip poker?
- I did once, in 6th grade. xD I suck at it so I will never do it again.
Ever gone skinny dipping?
- Nope.
Kissed someone of the same sex?
- On the lips? No. But several times of the cheek.
Sex in the morning, afternoon, or night?
- Dunno.
Are you dominant or submissive?
- No idea. Haven't really explored that side of me. xD
What is the weirdest place you've had sex?
- None.
Ever been to a strip club?
- Nope.
Called someone the wrong name durring sex?
- lol No.
Do you believe in make-up sex?
- I don't know.
Ever had a one night stand?
- Err... not sure if that one time was one or not... I'll go with yes.
Has anyone ever used alcohol to lower your resistance?
- Yes... I didn't think it was why at the time but looking back it's pretty obvious that he did.. -.- I'm so naive.
Ever used alcohol to lower someones resistance?
- No.
Ever been cheated on?
- lol by who? xD
Ever cheated on someone?
- On who? Seriously this quiz is totally rubbing it in. xD
Drunken Nights
Are you a light weight?
- I suppose so? I don't really drink at all now.
How many drinks til your drunk?
- Depends on how strong the drink is.
What is your favorite beer?
- I hate beer. >_>
What is your favorite mixed drink?
- That has to be vodka and coca-cola with a piece of lime.
What is your favorite shot?
- No clue. I don't shot.
Do prefer to drink alone or socially?
- Neither. I'd rather not drink at all.
Ever passed out from drinking?
- Haha no.
Ever thrown up from drinking?
- No.
Ever been carried by someone else because of your drunkenness?
- Nope.
Ever carried someone because of their drunkenness?
- Nope.
Have you ever had sex...
On a kitchen table?
- No.
In the rain?
- Nope.
In a police car?
- No.
In front of a video camera?
- No.
In a public place?
- No.
Over a sink?
- No.
In a car?
- No.
In a theater?
- No.
With the same sex?
- No.
On the first date?
- It wasn't supposed to be a date.. -.-
On the beach?
- No.
Pick One
Lights on or off?
- Off. I like the dark.
Pink or Black?
- Black.
Sweet or Spicy?
- I don't know...
Lace or Leather?
- Don't care as long as it isn't pink. xD
Hugs or Kisses?
- Hugs cause I have a feeling I'm a terrible kisser.
Fast or Slow?
- I don't know.
Hard or Soft?
- Who the fuck cares?
Give or Recieve?
- I don't care..
Love or Lust?
- Lust is more likely to happen than Love, even though it would be nice with Love.
And now it's done. Bye. I'm gonna go be emo for a while now cause this was fuckin' deressing -.-
Monday, October 31, 2011
I took the dare Kas! Now you better read this! XD
So I accepted Kas' dare to answer this quiz, which I now will.
What is your favorite sexual position?
- Umm... don't know. I haven't actually tried more than one and I wasn't really too fond of that one either.
How may partners have you slept with?
- 1 and it wasn't really a partner..
What is your method of birth control?
- Condoms and pills should do the trick, shouldn't they?
If you use condoms, what brand?
- Er.. don't care as long as they work?
If on the pill, what brand?
- None cause I'm not on the pill right now. I'll get pills once I get someone to have sex with xD
Besides the obvious, where is the one place your partner could touch you to make you hot?
- No frickin' clue..
What is your sexin' jam?
- Don't have one.
Are you a talker, moaner,screamer, or all?
- No idea. Maybe a moaner? Feels like the most logic thing I'd be xD
Do you like your hair pulled?
- Not sure. Haven't really tried it.
Do you like it on top or bottom?
- I don't know! >_<
Drunk sex....dissapointing? or more fun?
- Only been drunk once and didn't try having sex at time so I have no idea.
If you could choose one celebrity to do the dirty with, who would it be?
- Err... lemme think.. probably someone like Jason Momoa or the guy who plays the friendly werewolf in True Blood. >_>
If you were paid a gazillion dollars, would you have sexual relations with George W.Bush?
Err... No! Not any kind of money would make me do that.. that's just stupid!
Have you ever taken anyone's virginity?
- Nope.
Silk sheets with rose petals or a soft blanket by a roaring fire?
- As romantic as it is with petals and silks I think I'll go for the fire, unless I'm in a really warm place already xD
Best outfit you've dressed up in for your partner?
- What partner? lol.
What could your partner wear to turn you on?
Well just his underwear should be enough, shouldn't it? XD
Any embarassing sex stories you want to share?
- Haha nope. Only had sex once.
If you had to choose a cartoon character to make some lovin' with, who would it be?
- Um... none? Or maybe Dante from Devil May Cry. I don't know.
Have you ever walked in on a parent or sibling doin' the dirty?
- Nope thank goodness, but I've heard through the walls how my dad and his new chick did it once.. and I was alot younger then >_< Also heard my ex-step sister and her bf get it on in the room next to mine... -.- It's nasty.
Have you ever used toys in your love making endeavors?
- Gods this quiz is really rubbing it in... -.-
How often do you think about sex?
- Often enough? It's not like it's taboo to talk about it among my friends lol. I know details of some of my friends' sex life that I probably should not know if they were more normal than me. xD
How old were you when you lost your virginity?'
- I was 20.
Have you ever had a threesome?
- No and I don't plan to either.
Have you ever had anal sex?
- Ugh just the thought of it makes me sick so no, I have not.
Have you ever been to a strip club?
Lol no. Why should I go to a place like that, unless I work there? XD
Have you ever worked in a strip club?
- Nope.
Have you ever been involved in an orgy?
- Nope.
Have you ever been called a slut?
- Haha no and if I had I would only have laughed at it. Calling me a slut is such a joke xD
How often do you have sex?
- Err... only had it once so now it's... never.
Do you consider yourself a freak in bed?
- I don't know. I let others decide that. Not that they can though xD
Do you like it rough?
- No clue but I might. It's definitely not impossible >_>
Do you masterbate?
- Well... Sometimes.
How often?
- Lol, look at my previous answer.
Are you horny now?
- No.
-This or That-
Whips and chains OR Feathers and silk?
- I don't really care. I guess there lies some sort of excitement in both of the options.
Whipped Cream and cherries OR Ice cream and chocolate syrup?
- I don't know. It's messy either way. xD
Kitchen counter OR Shower?
Haven't tried any of them.
Doggy OR Cowgirl?
Haven't tried either one.
Dirty Sanchez OR Rusty Trombone?
- None.
Threesome OR An hour of receiving oral?
- I don't care.
Watching porn OR Making your own porn?
- Eww...
Biting OR Licking?
- Either one..
Black Leather OR Pink frilly lacey whatnots?
- Black Leather, definitely. You'll never see me in pink frilly stuff xD
Rug burn OR Neck hicky?
- I'll go with hicky I guess. Can't imagine that it's nice getting a rug burn.
Fall asleep OR snack after?
- I really don't care one way or another...
Okay now that's done I'll move to the next one.
What is your favorite sexual position?
- Umm... don't know. I haven't actually tried more than one and I wasn't really too fond of that one either.
How may partners have you slept with?
- 1 and it wasn't really a partner..
What is your method of birth control?
- Condoms and pills should do the trick, shouldn't they?
If you use condoms, what brand?
- Er.. don't care as long as they work?
If on the pill, what brand?
- None cause I'm not on the pill right now. I'll get pills once I get someone to have sex with xD
Besides the obvious, where is the one place your partner could touch you to make you hot?
- No frickin' clue..
What is your sexin' jam?
- Don't have one.
Are you a talker, moaner,screamer, or all?
- No idea. Maybe a moaner? Feels like the most logic thing I'd be xD
Do you like your hair pulled?
- Not sure. Haven't really tried it.
Do you like it on top or bottom?
- I don't know! >_<
Drunk sex....dissapointing? or more fun?
- Only been drunk once and didn't try having sex at time so I have no idea.
If you could choose one celebrity to do the dirty with, who would it be?
- Err... lemme think.. probably someone like Jason Momoa or the guy who plays the friendly werewolf in True Blood. >_>
If you were paid a gazillion dollars, would you have sexual relations with George W.Bush?
Err... No! Not any kind of money would make me do that.. that's just stupid!
Have you ever taken anyone's virginity?
- Nope.
Silk sheets with rose petals or a soft blanket by a roaring fire?
- As romantic as it is with petals and silks I think I'll go for the fire, unless I'm in a really warm place already xD
Best outfit you've dressed up in for your partner?
- What partner? lol.
What could your partner wear to turn you on?
Well just his underwear should be enough, shouldn't it? XD
Any embarassing sex stories you want to share?
- Haha nope. Only had sex once.
If you had to choose a cartoon character to make some lovin' with, who would it be?
- Um... none? Or maybe Dante from Devil May Cry. I don't know.
Have you ever walked in on a parent or sibling doin' the dirty?
- Nope thank goodness, but I've heard through the walls how my dad and his new chick did it once.. and I was alot younger then >_< Also heard my ex-step sister and her bf get it on in the room next to mine... -.- It's nasty.
Have you ever used toys in your love making endeavors?
- Gods this quiz is really rubbing it in... -.-
How often do you think about sex?
- Often enough? It's not like it's taboo to talk about it among my friends lol. I know details of some of my friends' sex life that I probably should not know if they were more normal than me. xD
How old were you when you lost your virginity?'
- I was 20.
Have you ever had a threesome?
- No and I don't plan to either.
Have you ever had anal sex?
- Ugh just the thought of it makes me sick so no, I have not.
Have you ever been to a strip club?
Lol no. Why should I go to a place like that, unless I work there? XD
Have you ever worked in a strip club?
- Nope.
Have you ever been involved in an orgy?
- Nope.
Have you ever been called a slut?
- Haha no and if I had I would only have laughed at it. Calling me a slut is such a joke xD
How often do you have sex?
- Err... only had it once so now it's... never.
Do you consider yourself a freak in bed?
- I don't know. I let others decide that. Not that they can though xD
Do you like it rough?
- No clue but I might. It's definitely not impossible >_>
Do you masterbate?
- Well... Sometimes.
How often?
- Lol, look at my previous answer.
Are you horny now?
- No.
-This or That-
Whips and chains OR Feathers and silk?
- I don't really care. I guess there lies some sort of excitement in both of the options.
Whipped Cream and cherries OR Ice cream and chocolate syrup?
- I don't know. It's messy either way. xD
Kitchen counter OR Shower?
Haven't tried any of them.
Doggy OR Cowgirl?
Haven't tried either one.
Dirty Sanchez OR Rusty Trombone?
- None.
Threesome OR An hour of receiving oral?
- I don't care.
Watching porn OR Making your own porn?
- Eww...
Biting OR Licking?
- Either one..
Black Leather OR Pink frilly lacey whatnots?
- Black Leather, definitely. You'll never see me in pink frilly stuff xD
Rug burn OR Neck hicky?
- I'll go with hicky I guess. Can't imagine that it's nice getting a rug burn.
Fall asleep OR snack after?
- I really don't care one way or another...
Okay now that's done I'll move to the next one.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Kas... Kas... Kas.... YOINK! -runs off-
Yeah so I stole this quiz from Kas 'cause it seemed like fun xD
Kind of pants - Jeans I guess although leggings/tights are really nice as well.
Number - 8
Animal - Cats I think... Or dogs.. Screw it, I'll say foxes!
Drink - Coke with a piece of lime and NO alcohol.
Sport - Basketball
Month - All of them.
Cartoon character - No idea. o.o
-Have you ever-
Been close to dying - Nope.
Loved someone so much it made you cry - I don't know.. so I guess not?
Broke a bone - Nope. Only every slightly cracked a rib.
Played truth or dare - Yup. :D
Ran away - From reality? Many, many times.
Broke someones heart - I.. don't know? Haven't really asked..
Cried over someones death - Yes.
Cried in school - Yes.
Fell off your chair - It has happened.
Saved e-mails - Nope.
Used someone - Nope.
-What is/are...-
Your good-luck charm - I guess it's a necklace with a piece of green quartz and a gold colored plate with my zodiac sign on it.
Kind of pants - Jeans I guess although leggings/tights are really nice as well.
Number - 8
Animal - Cats I think... Or dogs.. Screw it, I'll say foxes!
Drink - Coke with a piece of lime and NO alcohol.
Sport - Basketball
Month - All of them.
Cartoon character - No idea. o.o
-Have you ever-
Been close to dying - Nope.
Loved someone so much it made you cry - I don't know.. so I guess not?
Broke a bone - Nope. Only every slightly cracked a rib.
Played truth or dare - Yup. :D
Ran away - From reality? Many, many times.
Broke someones heart - I.. don't know? Haven't really asked..
Cried over someones death - Yes.
Cried in school - Yes.
Fell off your chair - It has happened.
Saved e-mails - Nope.
Used someone - Nope.
-What is/are...-
Your good-luck charm - I guess it's a necklace with a piece of green quartz and a gold colored plate with my zodiac sign on it.
Your favorite song - Wolf Moon by Type O Negative
Next to you - Nova, my dog.
Your pet peeve - People who think they are so much better than others, basically.
Motivations - Umm.. travel?
-Ever had..-
Chicken Pox - No clue.. *goes to look it up* Oh yeah.
Sore throat - Yup.
A one night stand - Once and it was the worst choice ever.. >_> Like they say, "Curiosity killed the cat" lol xD
-Do you...-
Believe in love at first sight - No, I really don't. It'd be nice if such a thing was possible though.
Believe in long distance relationships - No.
Like school - Of the schools I've been to, I only ever liked one.
Get along with your family - Basiclly yes, all but one person.
Wear contact lenses or glasses - Glasses, when I drive..
Like filling out surveys - It's a nice way of killing time.
Like yourself - Somedays yes, but most days not really.
Was the last person who called you - My irl best friend.
Makes you smile the most - Oh, quite a few.
Knows you best - Ljungan, Evve and Kas.
Took this survey 1st - No clue. lol Silly question.
Gets on your nerves - People that doesn't ask for help or someone to listen when they clearly need it, such as my mother. -.-
-Yesterday did you...-
Talk to someone you liked - Yeah.
Buy something - Nope.
Get sick - Nope.
Miss someone - Yep.
Talk to an ex - Lol what ex? XD
-Last person who...-
Slept in your bed - Err... does the dog count? o.o
Saw or heard you cry - Well it was on the same night and almost the same time, so my parents.. >_<
Went to the movies with - Wow... myself? Cause no one wants to go with me -.- Or rather, they have better things to do I guess. >_>
Told you they loved you - Err... oh right... Pelle, aka my dad.
You said I love you to - Wow... can't remember.
You fought with - Pelle.
You made fun of - Hmm.... Ljungan xD
Made fun of you - Oh probably someone. I don't know. xD
-Pick one-
Are you righty or lefty - Righty.
Scary or Funny movie - Both. Although scary fits the season more xD
Chocolate or Vanilla - Both darn it!
Coffee or Tea - Tea!
Summer or Winter - Both!
Diamond or Pearl - Pearls.
Pepsi or Coke - I'll go with Pepsi.
Strawberry or Watermelon - Both.
Citrus or Berry - Both. xD
Hated anyone in your family - Yes, and still do.
Gotten any awards - lol from where? XD No. I haven't.
Good singer - Err... I've been told I am?
What was your last dream about - Oh wow... Can't remember even though I dreamt just this morning.
When did you last shower - A few days ago.
What book are you reading now - The Radleys by Matt Haig
Best feeling in the world - Knowing tha the people I cherish, cherish me as well.
What's underneath your bed - Dust? xD
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal - Nope, I have the real thing! XD
What are you most scared of right now - Dying alone or losing everyone of my friends.
Are you lonely right now - Nope.. well at least I don't reflect whether I am or not.
Song thats stuck in your head right now - Narcissistic Cannibal by Korn
First thing you notice on opposite sex - Eyes, hair and arms xD
Are you to shy to ask someone out - Haha yes. If I were to ask someone it would most likely come out as: "Wouldwithyououtgome?" xD Incoherent much.
What are you wearing right now - Err... cozy pants and a tanktop.
Favorite flower - Forget-me-not.
How many pillows do you sleep with - 2
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
What the hell is wrong with "natural"?
Okay so I've been thinking a little about all the re-touching that people, and mainly stars, in magazines have gone through in Photoshop. It's sick. I see those magazines everyday in the store and those are supposed to be what I want to look like? No thanks. I'd rather not look like an alien..
I don't understand why people are so obsessed with perfection. It doesn't do anyone any good. And what's wrong with displying a star just as they are? Why does the skin have to baby smooth on a 30 year old? Wrinkles are NATURAL! And natural is the best and healthiest way to go if you ask me. There is nothing more beautiful than natural skin. I can look at old people, the same age as my granny, and think: "Wow, she looks really good." And no, I rarely think that about people that has had some kind of plastic surgery just to enlarge something, whether it be lips, butt or breasts. No. It's the natural old ladies that I think that way about.
And same goes for young people. They don't have wrinkles but instead girls want to make their lips or breasts bigger, or get tanned so much that they look like a chocolate candy version of themselves. It doesn't look good! All of it looks fake. And yes I understand some do it to help their confidence but c'mon!
I'm not the most beautiful person and nor is my confidence super high but at least I've had the god damn guts to accept how I look and actually accept that if people doesn't like me the way I am or look, it's their loss.
It's only half physical you know. The rest is in your head. You have to tell yourself that you are good enough, everyday until it sticks. When it does, you will feel good with yourself. A new pair of breasts won't help your self-esteem unless you've reached that mind-set.
And no, I'm not telling people to stop getting plastic surgery or anything. It's their life and their body, they do what the hell they want with it. What I am saying is that I can not understand why, when people are beautiful the way they are.
Well that's all I had for now.
If you read it through all the way I hope you.. liked it? XD
I don't understand why people are so obsessed with perfection. It doesn't do anyone any good. And what's wrong with displying a star just as they are? Why does the skin have to baby smooth on a 30 year old? Wrinkles are NATURAL! And natural is the best and healthiest way to go if you ask me. There is nothing more beautiful than natural skin. I can look at old people, the same age as my granny, and think: "Wow, she looks really good." And no, I rarely think that about people that has had some kind of plastic surgery just to enlarge something, whether it be lips, butt or breasts. No. It's the natural old ladies that I think that way about.
And same goes for young people. They don't have wrinkles but instead girls want to make their lips or breasts bigger, or get tanned so much that they look like a chocolate candy version of themselves. It doesn't look good! All of it looks fake. And yes I understand some do it to help their confidence but c'mon!
I'm not the most beautiful person and nor is my confidence super high but at least I've had the god damn guts to accept how I look and actually accept that if people doesn't like me the way I am or look, it's their loss.
It's only half physical you know. The rest is in your head. You have to tell yourself that you are good enough, everyday until it sticks. When it does, you will feel good with yourself. A new pair of breasts won't help your self-esteem unless you've reached that mind-set.
And no, I'm not telling people to stop getting plastic surgery or anything. It's their life and their body, they do what the hell they want with it. What I am saying is that I can not understand why, when people are beautiful the way they are.
Well that's all I had for now.
If you read it through all the way I hope you.. liked it? XD
Monday, October 17, 2011
Shopping and... my feet hurt? o.o
So... Today, my friend Evelina and I went out shopping. And yes, for any guy reading this it's probably the most boring thing to read ever.
Anyway, before we started wandering from store to store, we got pierced! :D She got a nose piercing and I got a piercing in my ear, "Helix" I believe it was called. At least in swedish. >_> Oh and this is a secret so please don't tell my mom or she would go nuts. o.o And even more so my dad, ugh.. -.-
Moving on!
So, we went from shop to shop, looking for something for Evelina to wear on Halloween. We didn't find much and at the end of the I was the only one who got what I needed, namely cotton fabric. That's all I need for my halloween costume as I will make it myself. And what will I be?

Alice from the "Alice: Madness Return" game.
And now as I'm sitting here, telling you all this.. my feet ache xD In case anyone wants to know that.
Anyway, before we started wandering from store to store, we got pierced! :D She got a nose piercing and I got a piercing in my ear, "Helix" I believe it was called. At least in swedish. >_> Oh and this is a secret so please don't tell my mom or she would go nuts. o.o And even more so my dad, ugh.. -.-
Moving on!
So, we went from shop to shop, looking for something for Evelina to wear on Halloween. We didn't find much and at the end of the I was the only one who got what I needed, namely cotton fabric. That's all I need for my halloween costume as I will make it myself. And what will I be?

Alice from the "Alice: Madness Return" game.
And now as I'm sitting here, telling you all this.. my feet ache xD In case anyone wants to know that.
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