Saturday, August 27, 2011

Another quick survey. xD

Would you eat green eggs and ham? No.

Would you bunge jump? Never in my life. o.o

Would you play strip poker? Maaaybe. ^^''

Would you jump from a plane? No!

Would you swim with sharks? Definitely not!

Would you dance in your underwear? Maybe if I ever get totally wasted and it's humid and hot as a sauna, I might. xD

Would you lie about your age? Nah, no need.

Would you sleep naked? Sure. I just don't prefer it.

Would you kiss and tell? Nah, I don't think so.

Would you sneak into a movie? Yes! If I could.

Would you undress in public? Err... isn't that kinda what you do on the beach?

Would you go skinny dipping? Sure.

Would you steal a car? The thought has crossed my mind.

Would you play Santa Claus? Hehe nope.

Would you take candy from a baby? Nah. Can't stand the annoying crying.

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