What is your best Christmas memory?
- Uh... not really sure. Can't really remember anything specific.
What was your favorite Christmas present of all time?
- Oh tough one.. I think that would be a CD with Kamelot that I got a few years back.
What do you really want this year?
- Money. There's no use telling my family what I want cause they can't find it anyway. xD
Hot chocolate or apple cider?
- Hot chocolate of course.
Cookies or Brownies?
- Oh.... I'll go with cookies this time.
Candy Canes or Chocolate?
- Chocolate.
What is your tree decorated with?
- Uh lemme see now.. we decorate our tree with glitter of some sort (it changes from year to year), little angel musicians, Disney characters, and other things.
Favorite Christmas Song?
- Hmm.. "Carol of the bells" or "Masters in this hall".
Do you have any family traditions for Christmas?
- We used to. That's kinda in the past now though.
Favorite Christmas movie?
- "A Christmas carol" I guess. Don't know that many others anymore.
Ice skating or caroling?
- Caroling.
Giving or Getting presents?
- Giving. In cases like these I believe in karma lol.
White or colored lights for your house?
- We have white and I think it looks pretty good.
White or colored lghts for your tree?
- We have white on the tree as well, and again I think it looks good.
A Christmas Carol or How the Grinch Stole Christmas?
- "A Christmas Carol", preferrably one of the older versions.
Is Christmas stressful for you?
- Not really.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Day Five: Things I want to say to an ex...?
Hah umm well.. this is kinda of... unnecessary in my case. I don't have any ex-boyfriends yet. xD So I don't have anything to say.
Oh how exciting my life is xD
Oh how exciting my life is xD
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Day Four: Bullet my whole day.
Okay. Sadly nothing much happened today. But then again it rarely does.
I woke up at noon (yes I'm lazy) ate, did nothing in particular for few hours, took care of some chores and ate, took a walk with my dogs and then watched some One Piece. And now I'm writing this. That's all.
I woke up at noon (yes I'm lazy) ate, did nothing in particular for few hours, took care of some chores and ate, took a walk with my dogs and then watched some One Piece. And now I'm writing this. That's all.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Day Three: A book I love.
This is tough.. I'm sort of a bookworm so I have many books that I love. But I guess I'll go with the ones I've loved the longest. And I say it in plural because it's three books.
It's a series of books called "The Snow Walker's Son" by Catherine Fisher. I first found out about it when I was a kid. My dad used to read them to me and I loved when he did. He's really a storyteller at heart. I still love when he tells me and my brother stories and I think that's a part of him that I will never hate. Anyway, back to the books! The story is set in the north and I always imagine it's like Scandinavia way back in time because there are elements in all three books that will bring your thoughts to the Norse mythologies. In the first book the story revolves around a young girl, Jessa, and her cousin. And these are the two main character that we follow through the books, while they add and loose some along the way.
The books aren't very thick or detailed, but enough to make for some great reading. I've re-read them several times since I was a kid and I probably will keep re-reading them.
It's a series of books called "The Snow Walker's Son" by Catherine Fisher. I first found out about it when I was a kid. My dad used to read them to me and I loved when he did. He's really a storyteller at heart. I still love when he tells me and my brother stories and I think that's a part of him that I will never hate. Anyway, back to the books! The story is set in the north and I always imagine it's like Scandinavia way back in time because there are elements in all three books that will bring your thoughts to the Norse mythologies. In the first book the story revolves around a young girl, Jessa, and her cousin. And these are the two main character that we follow through the books, while they add and loose some along the way.
The books aren't very thick or detailed, but enough to make for some great reading. I've re-read them several times since I was a kid and I probably will keep re-reading them.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
And here's a third Christmas Quiz! Rejoyce!
Get kissed under the mistletoe or in the snow?
- In the snow.
Santa or Rudolph?
- Rudolph, I think.
Stocking or presents?
- Presents!
Egg nog or hot cider?
- Never had either so I don't know.
Angel or star?
- Definitely star.
Decorating the tree or putting lights on the outside?
- Decorating the tree. ^^
Warm cozy fires or sleigh rides?
- Oh tough one.. I think I'll go with sleigh rides today.
Family time or friend time?
- Had I had a choice I would have said friend time but now it's family time since I don't.
Expensive presents or presents that come from the heart?
- From the heart. Expensive presents only show that the person gifting doesn't know you that well.
Snow ball fight or snowman?
- Snowman cause I'm awesome at those, while I suck at snow ball fights. xD
Coal or present?
- Doesn't the coal mean you've been naughty? In that case I'd go with the coal. XD
Open presents quick or slow?
- Both. I opened them in a good pace... if they are actually wrapped that is.
Caroling or christmas stories?
- Aww come on don't make me choose... >_< Okay I'll go with caroling this time.
Snowy days or ice days?
- Would a bit of both be too much to ask? XD
Red or Green?
- Red.
- In the snow.
Santa or Rudolph?
- Rudolph, I think.
Stocking or presents?
- Presents!
Egg nog or hot cider?
- Never had either so I don't know.
Angel or star?
- Definitely star.
Decorating the tree or putting lights on the outside?
- Decorating the tree. ^^
Warm cozy fires or sleigh rides?
- Oh tough one.. I think I'll go with sleigh rides today.
Family time or friend time?
- Had I had a choice I would have said friend time but now it's family time since I don't.
Expensive presents or presents that come from the heart?
- From the heart. Expensive presents only show that the person gifting doesn't know you that well.
Snow ball fight or snowman?
- Snowman cause I'm awesome at those, while I suck at snow ball fights. xD
Coal or present?
- Doesn't the coal mean you've been naughty? In that case I'd go with the coal. XD
Open presents quick or slow?
- Both. I opened them in a good pace... if they are actually wrapped that is.
Caroling or christmas stories?
- Aww come on don't make me choose... >_< Okay I'll go with caroling this time.
Snowy days or ice days?
- Would a bit of both be too much to ask? XD
Red or Green?
- Red.
Day Two: Something I feel strongly about...
Hmm... I don't know. I guess that would be lying then. Like.. why do we lie? What's the point with it? Almost all lies eventually get exposed and when they do, you hurt the ones you lied to more than you would have had you told the truth from the beginning.
I'm not saying that I've never lied. I have. I just found that I didn't see the point in it after seeing friends get hurt once they found out the truth about whatever I had lied about. To me it's not okay. I've come to have zero tolerance for lying, backstabbing and such. Do it once to me about something you know I think is important and I will probably cut whatever ties I have with you and never speak with you again. Harsh maybe, to some. To me it's how it has to be. I value honesty a great deal, more than much else. It's not okay to lie to me or anyone that's close to me. I don't think it should be okay for anyone to lie to anyone, but sadly, since we're only human, that is an impossibilty. Thanks to the greed, pride, envy and lust of human nature, we lie, we betray and we cheat. I am doing my best to fight that system and I know I'm not completely alone. Others are fighting it just like me, but not even near many enough to make a significant change right now.
For me, honesty should apply at work as well. Apparently or from what I've seen, it does not. Which sucks big time.
I really can't see the appeal with lying anymore.
I'm not saying that I've never lied. I have. I just found that I didn't see the point in it after seeing friends get hurt once they found out the truth about whatever I had lied about. To me it's not okay. I've come to have zero tolerance for lying, backstabbing and such. Do it once to me about something you know I think is important and I will probably cut whatever ties I have with you and never speak with you again. Harsh maybe, to some. To me it's how it has to be. I value honesty a great deal, more than much else. It's not okay to lie to me or anyone that's close to me. I don't think it should be okay for anyone to lie to anyone, but sadly, since we're only human, that is an impossibilty. Thanks to the greed, pride, envy and lust of human nature, we lie, we betray and we cheat. I am doing my best to fight that system and I know I'm not completely alone. Others are fighting it just like me, but not even near many enough to make a significant change right now.
For me, honesty should apply at work as well. Apparently or from what I've seen, it does not. Which sucks big time.
I really can't see the appeal with lying anymore.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Day One: 5 ways to win my heart.
Okay so I've decided to steal Rachy's 30 day challenge.
Here we go:
1. Don't be an ass.
2. Try to at least listen to what I say. You don't have to agree with me.
3. Have a really good sense of humor.
4. Be honest with me.
5. Take the time to get to know me.
Here we go:
1. Don't be an ass.
2. Try to at least listen to what I say. You don't have to agree with me.
3. Have a really good sense of humor.
4. Be honest with me.
5. Take the time to get to know me.
Christmas Quiz numero TZU!
Are you going away for Christmas?
- Nope. Doesn't look I am.
What are you expecting for Christmas?
- Really good food as usual. And snow... even though there probably won't be any.
Is Christmas your favorite holiday?
- No. But it could have been.
Do you like to decorate the tree?
- Yes! It's probably the only thing me, my mom and my brother do together.
Where do you put the tree in your house?
- In the living room.
Do you watch Merry Christmas Charlie Brown every year?
- No... we have other shows that are aired on Chrismas. Very swedish ones.
What is your favorite thing about Christmas?
- The scents. Just love them. ^^
What is the best Christmas you have ever had?
- Wow good question... I guess that must have been when my parents were still living together.
Are you spending Christmas with family?
- Yes. I don't have much choice.
Do you beleive in Santa Claus?
- No.
Do you always look in your stocking at Christmas?
- If I have one, then yes.
How much money will you be spending on other people this Christmas?
- None cause I am quite broke this year. It sucks.
Are you going to a Christmas parade this year?
- Why yes, it is possible that I will.
What is the best Christmas present you ever got?
- Most of the presents I've gotten have been great. Hard to pick one.
What state are you spending Christmas in?
- No state at all... I live in Sweden.
Do you text Merry Christmas to everybody you know?
- To everybody I know and really care about, yes.
- Nope. Doesn't look I am.
What are you expecting for Christmas?
- Really good food as usual. And snow... even though there probably won't be any.
Is Christmas your favorite holiday?
- No. But it could have been.
Do you like to decorate the tree?
- Yes! It's probably the only thing me, my mom and my brother do together.
Where do you put the tree in your house?
- In the living room.
Do you watch Merry Christmas Charlie Brown every year?
- No... we have other shows that are aired on Chrismas. Very swedish ones.
What is your favorite thing about Christmas?
- The scents. Just love them. ^^
What is the best Christmas you have ever had?
- Wow good question... I guess that must have been when my parents were still living together.
Are you spending Christmas with family?
- Yes. I don't have much choice.
Do you beleive in Santa Claus?
- No.
Do you always look in your stocking at Christmas?
- If I have one, then yes.
How much money will you be spending on other people this Christmas?
- None cause I am quite broke this year. It sucks.
Are you going to a Christmas parade this year?
- Why yes, it is possible that I will.
What is the best Christmas present you ever got?
- Most of the presents I've gotten have been great. Hard to pick one.
What state are you spending Christmas in?
- No state at all... I live in Sweden.
Do you text Merry Christmas to everybody you know?
- To everybody I know and really care about, yes.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Christmas Quiz!
Have you been naughty or nice this year?
I'd go with nice.. but I don't know.
What do you want most for Christmas?
A merry one.
Do you believe in Father Christmas?
What is your favorite food at Christmas?
Tough question. If you could see the stuff we eat you would understand why lol. It's all freaking delicious!
Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?
Can't. Broke.
Have you finished your Christmas shopping yet?
*points at the answer above*
What is your favorite Christmas song?
Carol of the bells or Masters in this hall.
What is your favorite Christmas movie?
Hmm... no clue. Don't think I have one.
What is your best memory of Christmas?
... Err.. I guess it's the one time I can remember celebrating it with my whole family, mom and dad included lol.
What do you look forward to most at Christmas?
The tree and all the scents that come with Christmas.
What are you doing for Christmas this year?
Probably the same damn thing as every year lol. Staying home with my mom.. Even though it's supposed to be "dad's year" -.-
Who do you want to kiss under the mistletoe?
Currently? That would be no one.
What kind of Christmas tree do you have?
A real one?
Do you take part in a secret santa?
Do you go to any Christmas parties?
Have you ever had a white Christmas?
As in a lot of snow? Yes. Last year. That was VERY white. o.o
How early do you wake up on Christmas morning?
Depends on when I went to bend the night before.
Do you still get a stocking?
Err... nope.
How many Christmas cards do you normally send out?
None cause I keep forgetting it xD This year shall be different though :D
What is your Christmas wish?
What's the difference between this and what I want for christmas? o.o
The End!
Fret not, there'll be more of these before Christmas. xD
I'd go with nice.. but I don't know.
What do you want most for Christmas?
A merry one.
Do you believe in Father Christmas?
What is your favorite food at Christmas?
Tough question. If you could see the stuff we eat you would understand why lol. It's all freaking delicious!
Have you started your Christmas shopping yet?
Can't. Broke.
Have you finished your Christmas shopping yet?
*points at the answer above*
What is your favorite Christmas song?
Carol of the bells or Masters in this hall.
What is your favorite Christmas movie?
Hmm... no clue. Don't think I have one.
What is your best memory of Christmas?
... Err.. I guess it's the one time I can remember celebrating it with my whole family, mom and dad included lol.
What do you look forward to most at Christmas?
The tree and all the scents that come with Christmas.
What are you doing for Christmas this year?
Probably the same damn thing as every year lol. Staying home with my mom.. Even though it's supposed to be "dad's year" -.-
Who do you want to kiss under the mistletoe?
Currently? That would be no one.
What kind of Christmas tree do you have?
A real one?
Do you take part in a secret santa?
Do you go to any Christmas parties?
Have you ever had a white Christmas?
As in a lot of snow? Yes. Last year. That was VERY white. o.o
How early do you wake up on Christmas morning?
Depends on when I went to bend the night before.
Do you still get a stocking?
Err... nope.
How many Christmas cards do you normally send out?
None cause I keep forgetting it xD This year shall be different though :D
What is your Christmas wish?
What's the difference between this and what I want for christmas? o.o
The End!
Fret not, there'll be more of these before Christmas. xD
Monday, December 5, 2011
Quizzzzzzzz o.o
So Kas challenged me with this quiz... he did it like a month ago. I'm slow, yes yes.
1. What is your name?
Jennifer Johansson. Jenni or Jen to my friends.
2. Who is your bestfriend?
My number one best friend is Sofia.
3. What were you doing 8 hours ago?
Trying to sleep.. didn't go so well. lol.
4. Who was the last person you kissed?
5. Where is your cell phone?
On the little table next to my bed.
6. Are you Grandparents still alive?
7. Do you live in a 2 story house?
8. Where are you?
At home, on my laptop.
9. Who was your last kiss?
.... Angelus. You think it changes in less than a minute? O.o
10. Who did you go out to eat with last?
Hmm that has to Lovisa.
11. Where to?
Christmas on Liseberg (in Gothenburg).
12. Are you drinking/eating anything?
13. If so, what?
Still nuthin.. o.o
14. What is your mood?
Err... frustrated I guess.
15. What is your favorite number?
16. Where do you shop the most?
Hmm... good question. I don't really shop. I window shop and the list is too long for me to say all the places. xD
17. Snow or rain?
Snow. And we had snow this morning *-*
18. What was the last movie you watched on tv?
Uh... don't really watch movies when they are on tv. I just watch the DVD's. So the last one was probably Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2.
19. What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
Oh wow... Lemme think... That must've been Thor.
20. Who is in your house right now?
Me and my dogs.
21. Who was the last person you commented?
No one.
22. Who was the last person to comment you?
No one.
23. Who was the last person you messaged?
Err.. probably Sofia.
24. Who was the last person to message you?
Again, Sofia.
25. Where do you live?
Vargön. o.o
26. Next place you will travel to?
27. How many siblings do you have?
One. And he's more than enough lol.
28. What cell phone company do you have?
29. Are you listening to music?
30. If so, what?
31. Last person you were in a car with?
My brother.
32. Last time you went to a park?
Good question.. can't remember. xD
33. What did you do today/What are you doing today?
I am looking for work.
34. What will you do tomorrow?
Same as today probably, unless a miracle happens.
35. If you had to live on an island for the rest of your life what two clothing items would you want to bring?
Well.. I bathing suit and a sarong? xD If it's a warm place anyway.
36. What is the closest yellow object to you?
1. What is your name?
Jennifer Johansson. Jenni or Jen to my friends.
2. Who is your bestfriend?
My number one best friend is Sofia.
3. What were you doing 8 hours ago?
Trying to sleep.. didn't go so well. lol.
4. Who was the last person you kissed?
5. Where is your cell phone?
On the little table next to my bed.
6. Are you Grandparents still alive?
7. Do you live in a 2 story house?
8. Where are you?
At home, on my laptop.
9. Who was your last kiss?
.... Angelus. You think it changes in less than a minute? O.o
10. Who did you go out to eat with last?
Hmm that has to Lovisa.
11. Where to?
Christmas on Liseberg (in Gothenburg).
12. Are you drinking/eating anything?
13. If so, what?
Still nuthin.. o.o
14. What is your mood?
Err... frustrated I guess.
15. What is your favorite number?
16. Where do you shop the most?
Hmm... good question. I don't really shop. I window shop and the list is too long for me to say all the places. xD
17. Snow or rain?
Snow. And we had snow this morning *-*
18. What was the last movie you watched on tv?
Uh... don't really watch movies when they are on tv. I just watch the DVD's. So the last one was probably Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2.
19. What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
Oh wow... Lemme think... That must've been Thor.
20. Who is in your house right now?
Me and my dogs.
21. Who was the last person you commented?
No one.
22. Who was the last person to comment you?
No one.
23. Who was the last person you messaged?
Err.. probably Sofia.
24. Who was the last person to message you?
Again, Sofia.
25. Where do you live?
Vargön. o.o
26. Next place you will travel to?
27. How many siblings do you have?
One. And he's more than enough lol.
28. What cell phone company do you have?
29. Are you listening to music?
30. If so, what?
31. Last person you were in a car with?
My brother.
32. Last time you went to a park?
Good question.. can't remember. xD
33. What did you do today/What are you doing today?
I am looking for work.
34. What will you do tomorrow?
Same as today probably, unless a miracle happens.
35. If you had to live on an island for the rest of your life what two clothing items would you want to bring?
Well.. I bathing suit and a sarong? xD If it's a warm place anyway.
36. What is the closest yellow object to you?
One of my pencils.
37. Look to your right, what do you see? One of my dogs and my desktop.
38. And your left?
Part of my bed and the wall.
39. How many people do you actually trust?
One second... I believe that would be 4 people.
40. What is your favourite movie?
No clue. Probably one of Tim Burton's though.
41. What is your favorite television show?
I don't have one. I have many. xD
42. Tell me about the last reason you laughed?
Kas and Iain being evil on Skype. xD
43. Last time you took a walk just because?
Been a while. Probably 8 months or so.
44. Do many kids live on your street?
Well.. the only kids I know of are the neighbours.. but if 3 kids are many, then yes.
45. You're in a coma, who comes to see you?
..... Someone I know I hope O.o
QUIZ 2!!!!
When's the last time you ran?
In school.
Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them?
What are you dreading right now?
Not getting a job.
Do you celebrate 420?
No clue what that is and I am too lazy to find out.
Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep a night?
Err.. not always.
Who last grabbed your ass?
Angelus... -.-
Have you ever been on your school's track team?
My school's what now? We don't have that here. xD
Do you own a pair of Converse?
That I do.
Did you copy and paste this survey?
Yup. From another blog though. xD
Do you eat raw cookie dough?
Erm.. why when the cookies taste really good?
Have you ever kicked a vending machine?
Don't you hate it when the radio ruins good songs by playing them over and over?
I hate it when the radio plays more commercials than songs.
Do you watch Trading Spaces?
How do you eat oreos?
I don't.
Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone?
Yeah.. Once upon a time. lol.
Are you cocky?
Not really, no.
Could you live without a computer?
I could but I wouldn't like it.
Do you wear your shoes in the house?
No O.o
Who or what sleeps with you?
My dog. She's like an extra pillow xD
At what age did you find out that Santa wasn't real?
How many phones, house phones and cell phones are in your house?
Oh wow.. okay let me think.. Currently there's 8.
What do you do when you're sad?
Cry like a damn baby I guess.
Who would you call first if you won the lottery?
I don't play the lottery lol.
Last time you saw your best friend?
Three weeks ago or so.
Are you in high school?
What jewelry are you wearing?
Is anyone on your bad side now?
Nope... well yeah one person, but that's an old story I'd rather just forget ever happened lol.
What's the first thing you do when you get online?
Skype and IMVU. xD
Do you watch Grey's Anatomy?
How do most people spell your name?
Most people don't. They use my nickname.
Would you wear a boy/girlfriends clothes?
I definitely think so.
Where do you work?
Nowhere T_T
What are you doing tomorrow?
.... Looking for a job.
Is Justin Timberlake becoming the next Michael Jackson?
... Right.. what's next Beiber become the next Timberlake? I don't think so.
Favorite name for a girl?
Favorite name for a boy?
Will you keep your last name when you get married?
I won't get married so no need to even think about it.
When was the last time you left your house?
An hour ago. Took the dogs for a walk.
Do you return your cart?
Do you have a dishwasher?
What noise do you hear?
My laptop.
Would you survive in prison?
I don't know.. >_> Maybe not.
Who is the youngest in your family?
My cousin David. He's 6.
If all of your friends were going on a road trip, who would most likey overpack?
Probably Evelina or Sofia. xD
Do you know anyone with the same name as you?
What's the last thing you purchased?
A wig and green lenses for my Halloween costume xD
Do your siblings ever pay for stuff for you?
Not unless we're supposed to share what we buy lol.
What brand are your pants right now?
Ever been to Georgia (the state)?
What irritates you most on the internet?
Oh.. various things.
What brand is your digital camera?
Samsung. It's pretty good.
Do you watch movies with your parents?
What song best describes your life right now?
Oh.. hmm... No clue.
Do you own expensive perfume/cologne?
Nope. Don't use perfume. Haven't found a scent I like yet lol.
Are you taking college classes right now?
Do you like sushi?
Yeah. If it's well made.
Do you get your hair cut every month?
Nope. Maybe once every six months or so.
Do you go online everyday?
Yeah, pretty much.
Will you pass this survey on to 5 people?
37. Look to your right, what do you see? One of my dogs and my desktop.
38. And your left?
Part of my bed and the wall.
39. How many people do you actually trust?
One second... I believe that would be 4 people.
40. What is your favourite movie?
No clue. Probably one of Tim Burton's though.
41. What is your favorite television show?
I don't have one. I have many. xD
42. Tell me about the last reason you laughed?
Kas and Iain being evil on Skype. xD
43. Last time you took a walk just because?
Been a while. Probably 8 months or so.
44. Do many kids live on your street?
Well.. the only kids I know of are the neighbours.. but if 3 kids are many, then yes.
45. You're in a coma, who comes to see you?
..... Someone I know I hope O.o
QUIZ 2!!!!
When's the last time you ran?
In school.
Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them?
What are you dreading right now?
Not getting a job.
Do you celebrate 420?
No clue what that is and I am too lazy to find out.
Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep a night?
Err.. not always.
Who last grabbed your ass?
Angelus... -.-
Have you ever been on your school's track team?
My school's what now? We don't have that here. xD
Do you own a pair of Converse?
That I do.
Did you copy and paste this survey?
Yup. From another blog though. xD
Do you eat raw cookie dough?
Erm.. why when the cookies taste really good?
Have you ever kicked a vending machine?
Don't you hate it when the radio ruins good songs by playing them over and over?
I hate it when the radio plays more commercials than songs.
Do you watch Trading Spaces?
How do you eat oreos?
I don't.
Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone?
Yeah.. Once upon a time. lol.
Are you cocky?
Not really, no.
Could you live without a computer?
I could but I wouldn't like it.
Do you wear your shoes in the house?
No O.o
Who or what sleeps with you?
My dog. She's like an extra pillow xD
At what age did you find out that Santa wasn't real?
How many phones, house phones and cell phones are in your house?
Oh wow.. okay let me think.. Currently there's 8.
What do you do when you're sad?
Cry like a damn baby I guess.
Who would you call first if you won the lottery?
I don't play the lottery lol.
Last time you saw your best friend?
Three weeks ago or so.
Are you in high school?
What jewelry are you wearing?
Is anyone on your bad side now?
Nope... well yeah one person, but that's an old story I'd rather just forget ever happened lol.
What's the first thing you do when you get online?
Skype and IMVU. xD
Do you watch Grey's Anatomy?
How do most people spell your name?
Most people don't. They use my nickname.
Would you wear a boy/girlfriends clothes?
I definitely think so.
Where do you work?
Nowhere T_T
What are you doing tomorrow?
.... Looking for a job.
Is Justin Timberlake becoming the next Michael Jackson?
... Right.. what's next Beiber become the next Timberlake? I don't think so.
Favorite name for a girl?
Favorite name for a boy?
Will you keep your last name when you get married?
I won't get married so no need to even think about it.
When was the last time you left your house?
An hour ago. Took the dogs for a walk.
Do you return your cart?
Do you have a dishwasher?
What noise do you hear?
My laptop.
Would you survive in prison?
I don't know.. >_> Maybe not.
Who is the youngest in your family?
My cousin David. He's 6.
If all of your friends were going on a road trip, who would most likey overpack?
Probably Evelina or Sofia. xD
Do you know anyone with the same name as you?
What's the last thing you purchased?
A wig and green lenses for my Halloween costume xD
Do your siblings ever pay for stuff for you?
Not unless we're supposed to share what we buy lol.
What brand are your pants right now?
Ever been to Georgia (the state)?
What irritates you most on the internet?
Oh.. various things.
What brand is your digital camera?
Samsung. It's pretty good.
Do you watch movies with your parents?
What song best describes your life right now?
Oh.. hmm... No clue.
Do you own expensive perfume/cologne?
Nope. Don't use perfume. Haven't found a scent I like yet lol.
Are you taking college classes right now?
Do you like sushi?
Yeah. If it's well made.
Do you get your hair cut every month?
Nope. Maybe once every six months or so.
Do you go online everyday?
Yeah, pretty much.
Will you pass this survey on to 5 people?
Nope. But whoever wants to do this quiz is free to lol.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Kas! This is cause you dared me!
Would you like to learn how to pole dance?
- Sure, why not? It looks pretty awesome as long as you don't look like you have sex with the frickin' pole xD
Ever been to an adult store?
- Heh yes. Twice. Both of the times I was there for someone else.
Ever bought something from an adult store?
- Yes, but never for myself.
Ever played strip poker?
- I did once, in 6th grade. xD I suck at it so I will never do it again.
Ever gone skinny dipping?
- Nope.
Kissed someone of the same sex?
- On the lips? No. But several times of the cheek.
Sex in the morning, afternoon, or night?
- Dunno.
Are you dominant or submissive?
- No idea. Haven't really explored that side of me. xD
What is the weirdest place you've had sex?
- None.
Ever been to a strip club?
- Nope.
Called someone the wrong name durring sex?
- lol No.
Do you believe in make-up sex?
- I don't know.
Ever had a one night stand?
- Err... not sure if that one time was one or not... I'll go with yes.
Has anyone ever used alcohol to lower your resistance?
- Yes... I didn't think it was why at the time but looking back it's pretty obvious that he did.. -.- I'm so naive.
Ever used alcohol to lower someones resistance?
- No.
Ever been cheated on?
- lol by who? xD
Ever cheated on someone?
- On who? Seriously this quiz is totally rubbing it in. xD
Drunken Nights
Are you a light weight?
- I suppose so? I don't really drink at all now.
How many drinks til your drunk?
- Depends on how strong the drink is.
What is your favorite beer?
- I hate beer. >_>
What is your favorite mixed drink?
- That has to be vodka and coca-cola with a piece of lime.
What is your favorite shot?
- No clue. I don't shot.
Do prefer to drink alone or socially?
- Neither. I'd rather not drink at all.
Ever passed out from drinking?
- Haha no.
Ever thrown up from drinking?
- No.
Ever been carried by someone else because of your drunkenness?
- Nope.
Ever carried someone because of their drunkenness?
- Nope.
Have you ever had sex...
On a kitchen table?
- No.
In the rain?
- Nope.
In a police car?
- No.
In front of a video camera?
- No.
In a public place?
- No.
Over a sink?
- No.
In a car?
- No.
In a theater?
- No.
With the same sex?
- No.
On the first date?
- It wasn't supposed to be a date.. -.-
On the beach?
- No.
Pick One
Lights on or off?
- Off. I like the dark.
Pink or Black?
- Black.
Sweet or Spicy?
- I don't know...
Lace or Leather?
- Don't care as long as it isn't pink. xD
Hugs or Kisses?
- Hugs cause I have a feeling I'm a terrible kisser.
Fast or Slow?
- I don't know.
Hard or Soft?
- Who the fuck cares?
Give or Recieve?
- I don't care..
Love or Lust?
- Lust is more likely to happen than Love, even though it would be nice with Love.
And now it's done. Bye. I'm gonna go be emo for a while now cause this was fuckin' deressing -.-
- Sure, why not? It looks pretty awesome as long as you don't look like you have sex with the frickin' pole xD
Ever been to an adult store?
- Heh yes. Twice. Both of the times I was there for someone else.
Ever bought something from an adult store?
- Yes, but never for myself.
Ever played strip poker?
- I did once, in 6th grade. xD I suck at it so I will never do it again.
Ever gone skinny dipping?
- Nope.
Kissed someone of the same sex?
- On the lips? No. But several times of the cheek.
Sex in the morning, afternoon, or night?
- Dunno.
Are you dominant or submissive?
- No idea. Haven't really explored that side of me. xD
What is the weirdest place you've had sex?
- None.
Ever been to a strip club?
- Nope.
Called someone the wrong name durring sex?
- lol No.
Do you believe in make-up sex?
- I don't know.
Ever had a one night stand?
- Err... not sure if that one time was one or not... I'll go with yes.
Has anyone ever used alcohol to lower your resistance?
- Yes... I didn't think it was why at the time but looking back it's pretty obvious that he did.. -.- I'm so naive.
Ever used alcohol to lower someones resistance?
- No.
Ever been cheated on?
- lol by who? xD
Ever cheated on someone?
- On who? Seriously this quiz is totally rubbing it in. xD
Drunken Nights
Are you a light weight?
- I suppose so? I don't really drink at all now.
How many drinks til your drunk?
- Depends on how strong the drink is.
What is your favorite beer?
- I hate beer. >_>
What is your favorite mixed drink?
- That has to be vodka and coca-cola with a piece of lime.
What is your favorite shot?
- No clue. I don't shot.
Do prefer to drink alone or socially?
- Neither. I'd rather not drink at all.
Ever passed out from drinking?
- Haha no.
Ever thrown up from drinking?
- No.
Ever been carried by someone else because of your drunkenness?
- Nope.
Ever carried someone because of their drunkenness?
- Nope.
Have you ever had sex...
On a kitchen table?
- No.
In the rain?
- Nope.
In a police car?
- No.
In front of a video camera?
- No.
In a public place?
- No.
Over a sink?
- No.
In a car?
- No.
In a theater?
- No.
With the same sex?
- No.
On the first date?
- It wasn't supposed to be a date.. -.-
On the beach?
- No.
Pick One
Lights on or off?
- Off. I like the dark.
Pink or Black?
- Black.
Sweet or Spicy?
- I don't know...
Lace or Leather?
- Don't care as long as it isn't pink. xD
Hugs or Kisses?
- Hugs cause I have a feeling I'm a terrible kisser.
Fast or Slow?
- I don't know.
Hard or Soft?
- Who the fuck cares?
Give or Recieve?
- I don't care..
Love or Lust?
- Lust is more likely to happen than Love, even though it would be nice with Love.
And now it's done. Bye. I'm gonna go be emo for a while now cause this was fuckin' deressing -.-
I took the dare Kas! Now you better read this! XD
So I accepted Kas' dare to answer this quiz, which I now will.
What is your favorite sexual position?
- Umm... don't know. I haven't actually tried more than one and I wasn't really too fond of that one either.
How may partners have you slept with?
- 1 and it wasn't really a partner..
What is your method of birth control?
- Condoms and pills should do the trick, shouldn't they?
If you use condoms, what brand?
- Er.. don't care as long as they work?
If on the pill, what brand?
- None cause I'm not on the pill right now. I'll get pills once I get someone to have sex with xD
Besides the obvious, where is the one place your partner could touch you to make you hot?
- No frickin' clue..
What is your sexin' jam?
- Don't have one.
Are you a talker, moaner,screamer, or all?
- No idea. Maybe a moaner? Feels like the most logic thing I'd be xD
Do you like your hair pulled?
- Not sure. Haven't really tried it.
Do you like it on top or bottom?
- I don't know! >_<
Drunk sex....dissapointing? or more fun?
- Only been drunk once and didn't try having sex at time so I have no idea.
If you could choose one celebrity to do the dirty with, who would it be?
- Err... lemme think.. probably someone like Jason Momoa or the guy who plays the friendly werewolf in True Blood. >_>
If you were paid a gazillion dollars, would you have sexual relations with George W.Bush?
Err... No! Not any kind of money would make me do that.. that's just stupid!
Have you ever taken anyone's virginity?
- Nope.
Silk sheets with rose petals or a soft blanket by a roaring fire?
- As romantic as it is with petals and silks I think I'll go for the fire, unless I'm in a really warm place already xD
Best outfit you've dressed up in for your partner?
- What partner? lol.
What could your partner wear to turn you on?
Well just his underwear should be enough, shouldn't it? XD
Any embarassing sex stories you want to share?
- Haha nope. Only had sex once.
If you had to choose a cartoon character to make some lovin' with, who would it be?
- Um... none? Or maybe Dante from Devil May Cry. I don't know.
Have you ever walked in on a parent or sibling doin' the dirty?
- Nope thank goodness, but I've heard through the walls how my dad and his new chick did it once.. and I was alot younger then >_< Also heard my ex-step sister and her bf get it on in the room next to mine... -.- It's nasty.
Have you ever used toys in your love making endeavors?
- Gods this quiz is really rubbing it in... -.-
How often do you think about sex?
- Often enough? It's not like it's taboo to talk about it among my friends lol. I know details of some of my friends' sex life that I probably should not know if they were more normal than me. xD
How old were you when you lost your virginity?'
- I was 20.
Have you ever had a threesome?
- No and I don't plan to either.
Have you ever had anal sex?
- Ugh just the thought of it makes me sick so no, I have not.
Have you ever been to a strip club?
Lol no. Why should I go to a place like that, unless I work there? XD
Have you ever worked in a strip club?
- Nope.
Have you ever been involved in an orgy?
- Nope.
Have you ever been called a slut?
- Haha no and if I had I would only have laughed at it. Calling me a slut is such a joke xD
How often do you have sex?
- Err... only had it once so now it's... never.
Do you consider yourself a freak in bed?
- I don't know. I let others decide that. Not that they can though xD
Do you like it rough?
- No clue but I might. It's definitely not impossible >_>
Do you masterbate?
- Well... Sometimes.
How often?
- Lol, look at my previous answer.
Are you horny now?
- No.
-This or That-
Whips and chains OR Feathers and silk?
- I don't really care. I guess there lies some sort of excitement in both of the options.
Whipped Cream and cherries OR Ice cream and chocolate syrup?
- I don't know. It's messy either way. xD
Kitchen counter OR Shower?
Haven't tried any of them.
Doggy OR Cowgirl?
Haven't tried either one.
Dirty Sanchez OR Rusty Trombone?
- None.
Threesome OR An hour of receiving oral?
- I don't care.
Watching porn OR Making your own porn?
- Eww...
Biting OR Licking?
- Either one..
Black Leather OR Pink frilly lacey whatnots?
- Black Leather, definitely. You'll never see me in pink frilly stuff xD
Rug burn OR Neck hicky?
- I'll go with hicky I guess. Can't imagine that it's nice getting a rug burn.
Fall asleep OR snack after?
- I really don't care one way or another...
Okay now that's done I'll move to the next one.
What is your favorite sexual position?
- Umm... don't know. I haven't actually tried more than one and I wasn't really too fond of that one either.
How may partners have you slept with?
- 1 and it wasn't really a partner..
What is your method of birth control?
- Condoms and pills should do the trick, shouldn't they?
If you use condoms, what brand?
- Er.. don't care as long as they work?
If on the pill, what brand?
- None cause I'm not on the pill right now. I'll get pills once I get someone to have sex with xD
Besides the obvious, where is the one place your partner could touch you to make you hot?
- No frickin' clue..
What is your sexin' jam?
- Don't have one.
Are you a talker, moaner,screamer, or all?
- No idea. Maybe a moaner? Feels like the most logic thing I'd be xD
Do you like your hair pulled?
- Not sure. Haven't really tried it.
Do you like it on top or bottom?
- I don't know! >_<
Drunk sex....dissapointing? or more fun?
- Only been drunk once and didn't try having sex at time so I have no idea.
If you could choose one celebrity to do the dirty with, who would it be?
- Err... lemme think.. probably someone like Jason Momoa or the guy who plays the friendly werewolf in True Blood. >_>
If you were paid a gazillion dollars, would you have sexual relations with George W.Bush?
Err... No! Not any kind of money would make me do that.. that's just stupid!
Have you ever taken anyone's virginity?
- Nope.
Silk sheets with rose petals or a soft blanket by a roaring fire?
- As romantic as it is with petals and silks I think I'll go for the fire, unless I'm in a really warm place already xD
Best outfit you've dressed up in for your partner?
- What partner? lol.
What could your partner wear to turn you on?
Well just his underwear should be enough, shouldn't it? XD
Any embarassing sex stories you want to share?
- Haha nope. Only had sex once.
If you had to choose a cartoon character to make some lovin' with, who would it be?
- Um... none? Or maybe Dante from Devil May Cry. I don't know.
Have you ever walked in on a parent or sibling doin' the dirty?
- Nope thank goodness, but I've heard through the walls how my dad and his new chick did it once.. and I was alot younger then >_< Also heard my ex-step sister and her bf get it on in the room next to mine... -.- It's nasty.
Have you ever used toys in your love making endeavors?
- Gods this quiz is really rubbing it in... -.-
How often do you think about sex?
- Often enough? It's not like it's taboo to talk about it among my friends lol. I know details of some of my friends' sex life that I probably should not know if they were more normal than me. xD
How old were you when you lost your virginity?'
- I was 20.
Have you ever had a threesome?
- No and I don't plan to either.
Have you ever had anal sex?
- Ugh just the thought of it makes me sick so no, I have not.
Have you ever been to a strip club?
Lol no. Why should I go to a place like that, unless I work there? XD
Have you ever worked in a strip club?
- Nope.
Have you ever been involved in an orgy?
- Nope.
Have you ever been called a slut?
- Haha no and if I had I would only have laughed at it. Calling me a slut is such a joke xD
How often do you have sex?
- Err... only had it once so now it's... never.
Do you consider yourself a freak in bed?
- I don't know. I let others decide that. Not that they can though xD
Do you like it rough?
- No clue but I might. It's definitely not impossible >_>
Do you masterbate?
- Well... Sometimes.
How often?
- Lol, look at my previous answer.
Are you horny now?
- No.
-This or That-
Whips and chains OR Feathers and silk?
- I don't really care. I guess there lies some sort of excitement in both of the options.
Whipped Cream and cherries OR Ice cream and chocolate syrup?
- I don't know. It's messy either way. xD
Kitchen counter OR Shower?
Haven't tried any of them.
Doggy OR Cowgirl?
Haven't tried either one.
Dirty Sanchez OR Rusty Trombone?
- None.
Threesome OR An hour of receiving oral?
- I don't care.
Watching porn OR Making your own porn?
- Eww...
Biting OR Licking?
- Either one..
Black Leather OR Pink frilly lacey whatnots?
- Black Leather, definitely. You'll never see me in pink frilly stuff xD
Rug burn OR Neck hicky?
- I'll go with hicky I guess. Can't imagine that it's nice getting a rug burn.
Fall asleep OR snack after?
- I really don't care one way or another...
Okay now that's done I'll move to the next one.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Kas... Kas... Kas.... YOINK! -runs off-
Yeah so I stole this quiz from Kas 'cause it seemed like fun xD
Kind of pants - Jeans I guess although leggings/tights are really nice as well.
Number - 8
Animal - Cats I think... Or dogs.. Screw it, I'll say foxes!
Drink - Coke with a piece of lime and NO alcohol.
Sport - Basketball
Month - All of them.
Cartoon character - No idea. o.o
-Have you ever-
Been close to dying - Nope.
Loved someone so much it made you cry - I don't know.. so I guess not?
Broke a bone - Nope. Only every slightly cracked a rib.
Played truth or dare - Yup. :D
Ran away - From reality? Many, many times.
Broke someones heart - I.. don't know? Haven't really asked..
Cried over someones death - Yes.
Cried in school - Yes.
Fell off your chair - It has happened.
Saved e-mails - Nope.
Used someone - Nope.
-What is/are...-
Your good-luck charm - I guess it's a necklace with a piece of green quartz and a gold colored plate with my zodiac sign on it.
Kind of pants - Jeans I guess although leggings/tights are really nice as well.
Number - 8
Animal - Cats I think... Or dogs.. Screw it, I'll say foxes!
Drink - Coke with a piece of lime and NO alcohol.
Sport - Basketball
Month - All of them.
Cartoon character - No idea. o.o
-Have you ever-
Been close to dying - Nope.
Loved someone so much it made you cry - I don't know.. so I guess not?
Broke a bone - Nope. Only every slightly cracked a rib.
Played truth or dare - Yup. :D
Ran away - From reality? Many, many times.
Broke someones heart - I.. don't know? Haven't really asked..
Cried over someones death - Yes.
Cried in school - Yes.
Fell off your chair - It has happened.
Saved e-mails - Nope.
Used someone - Nope.
-What is/are...-
Your good-luck charm - I guess it's a necklace with a piece of green quartz and a gold colored plate with my zodiac sign on it.
Your favorite song - Wolf Moon by Type O Negative
Next to you - Nova, my dog.
Your pet peeve - People who think they are so much better than others, basically.
Motivations - Umm.. travel?
-Ever had..-
Chicken Pox - No clue.. *goes to look it up* Oh yeah.
Sore throat - Yup.
A one night stand - Once and it was the worst choice ever.. >_> Like they say, "Curiosity killed the cat" lol xD
-Do you...-
Believe in love at first sight - No, I really don't. It'd be nice if such a thing was possible though.
Believe in long distance relationships - No.
Like school - Of the schools I've been to, I only ever liked one.
Get along with your family - Basiclly yes, all but one person.
Wear contact lenses or glasses - Glasses, when I drive..
Like filling out surveys - It's a nice way of killing time.
Like yourself - Somedays yes, but most days not really.
Was the last person who called you - My irl best friend.
Makes you smile the most - Oh, quite a few.
Knows you best - Ljungan, Evve and Kas.
Took this survey 1st - No clue. lol Silly question.
Gets on your nerves - People that doesn't ask for help or someone to listen when they clearly need it, such as my mother. -.-
-Yesterday did you...-
Talk to someone you liked - Yeah.
Buy something - Nope.
Get sick - Nope.
Miss someone - Yep.
Talk to an ex - Lol what ex? XD
-Last person who...-
Slept in your bed - Err... does the dog count? o.o
Saw or heard you cry - Well it was on the same night and almost the same time, so my parents.. >_<
Went to the movies with - Wow... myself? Cause no one wants to go with me -.- Or rather, they have better things to do I guess. >_>
Told you they loved you - Err... oh right... Pelle, aka my dad.
You said I love you to - Wow... can't remember.
You fought with - Pelle.
You made fun of - Hmm.... Ljungan xD
Made fun of you - Oh probably someone. I don't know. xD
-Pick one-
Are you righty or lefty - Righty.
Scary or Funny movie - Both. Although scary fits the season more xD
Chocolate or Vanilla - Both darn it!
Coffee or Tea - Tea!
Summer or Winter - Both!
Diamond or Pearl - Pearls.
Pepsi or Coke - I'll go with Pepsi.
Strawberry or Watermelon - Both.
Citrus or Berry - Both. xD
Hated anyone in your family - Yes, and still do.
Gotten any awards - lol from where? XD No. I haven't.
Good singer - Err... I've been told I am?
What was your last dream about - Oh wow... Can't remember even though I dreamt just this morning.
When did you last shower - A few days ago.
What book are you reading now - The Radleys by Matt Haig
Best feeling in the world - Knowing tha the people I cherish, cherish me as well.
What's underneath your bed - Dust? xD
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal - Nope, I have the real thing! XD
What are you most scared of right now - Dying alone or losing everyone of my friends.
Are you lonely right now - Nope.. well at least I don't reflect whether I am or not.
Song thats stuck in your head right now - Narcissistic Cannibal by Korn
First thing you notice on opposite sex - Eyes, hair and arms xD
Are you to shy to ask someone out - Haha yes. If I were to ask someone it would most likely come out as: "Wouldwithyououtgome?" xD Incoherent much.
What are you wearing right now - Err... cozy pants and a tanktop.
Favorite flower - Forget-me-not.
How many pillows do you sleep with - 2
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
What the hell is wrong with "natural"?
Okay so I've been thinking a little about all the re-touching that people, and mainly stars, in magazines have gone through in Photoshop. It's sick. I see those magazines everyday in the store and those are supposed to be what I want to look like? No thanks. I'd rather not look like an alien..
I don't understand why people are so obsessed with perfection. It doesn't do anyone any good. And what's wrong with displying a star just as they are? Why does the skin have to baby smooth on a 30 year old? Wrinkles are NATURAL! And natural is the best and healthiest way to go if you ask me. There is nothing more beautiful than natural skin. I can look at old people, the same age as my granny, and think: "Wow, she looks really good." And no, I rarely think that about people that has had some kind of plastic surgery just to enlarge something, whether it be lips, butt or breasts. No. It's the natural old ladies that I think that way about.
And same goes for young people. They don't have wrinkles but instead girls want to make their lips or breasts bigger, or get tanned so much that they look like a chocolate candy version of themselves. It doesn't look good! All of it looks fake. And yes I understand some do it to help their confidence but c'mon!
I'm not the most beautiful person and nor is my confidence super high but at least I've had the god damn guts to accept how I look and actually accept that if people doesn't like me the way I am or look, it's their loss.
It's only half physical you know. The rest is in your head. You have to tell yourself that you are good enough, everyday until it sticks. When it does, you will feel good with yourself. A new pair of breasts won't help your self-esteem unless you've reached that mind-set.
And no, I'm not telling people to stop getting plastic surgery or anything. It's their life and their body, they do what the hell they want with it. What I am saying is that I can not understand why, when people are beautiful the way they are.
Well that's all I had for now.
If you read it through all the way I hope you.. liked it? XD
I don't understand why people are so obsessed with perfection. It doesn't do anyone any good. And what's wrong with displying a star just as they are? Why does the skin have to baby smooth on a 30 year old? Wrinkles are NATURAL! And natural is the best and healthiest way to go if you ask me. There is nothing more beautiful than natural skin. I can look at old people, the same age as my granny, and think: "Wow, she looks really good." And no, I rarely think that about people that has had some kind of plastic surgery just to enlarge something, whether it be lips, butt or breasts. No. It's the natural old ladies that I think that way about.
And same goes for young people. They don't have wrinkles but instead girls want to make their lips or breasts bigger, or get tanned so much that they look like a chocolate candy version of themselves. It doesn't look good! All of it looks fake. And yes I understand some do it to help their confidence but c'mon!
I'm not the most beautiful person and nor is my confidence super high but at least I've had the god damn guts to accept how I look and actually accept that if people doesn't like me the way I am or look, it's their loss.
It's only half physical you know. The rest is in your head. You have to tell yourself that you are good enough, everyday until it sticks. When it does, you will feel good with yourself. A new pair of breasts won't help your self-esteem unless you've reached that mind-set.
And no, I'm not telling people to stop getting plastic surgery or anything. It's their life and their body, they do what the hell they want with it. What I am saying is that I can not understand why, when people are beautiful the way they are.
Well that's all I had for now.
If you read it through all the way I hope you.. liked it? XD
Monday, October 17, 2011
Shopping and... my feet hurt? o.o
So... Today, my friend Evelina and I went out shopping. And yes, for any guy reading this it's probably the most boring thing to read ever.
Anyway, before we started wandering from store to store, we got pierced! :D She got a nose piercing and I got a piercing in my ear, "Helix" I believe it was called. At least in swedish. >_> Oh and this is a secret so please don't tell my mom or she would go nuts. o.o And even more so my dad, ugh.. -.-
Moving on!
So, we went from shop to shop, looking for something for Evelina to wear on Halloween. We didn't find much and at the end of the I was the only one who got what I needed, namely cotton fabric. That's all I need for my halloween costume as I will make it myself. And what will I be?

Alice from the "Alice: Madness Return" game.
And now as I'm sitting here, telling you all this.. my feet ache xD In case anyone wants to know that.
Anyway, before we started wandering from store to store, we got pierced! :D She got a nose piercing and I got a piercing in my ear, "Helix" I believe it was called. At least in swedish. >_> Oh and this is a secret so please don't tell my mom or she would go nuts. o.o And even more so my dad, ugh.. -.-
Moving on!
So, we went from shop to shop, looking for something for Evelina to wear on Halloween. We didn't find much and at the end of the I was the only one who got what I needed, namely cotton fabric. That's all I need for my halloween costume as I will make it myself. And what will I be?

Alice from the "Alice: Madness Return" game.
And now as I'm sitting here, telling you all this.. my feet ache xD In case anyone wants to know that.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
A bunch of Q's
Did you ever see a booger on someone's face and specifically choose not to tell them?
- Haha no. That'd be mean.
Do you secretely hope that a specific relative will die?
- Relative? No.
Do you know you have mold growing in the refridgerator and do nothing about it?
- Nope. Cleaned it out only a few days ago.
Have you ever been attracted to someone very unattractive?
- Yes.
Would you prefer to sleep with your dog than anyone else?
- I don't know. My dog sleeps in my bed anyway.
Would you eat a cow eye for a price?
- Only if it tastes better than anything on this planet!
If the walls could talk, what would they say about you?
- "She's nasty... so lonely..." Or something? I don't know xD
Do you secretly pick your scabs?
- Secretly? No. xD
What would your best friend be surprised to know about you?
- Nothing. She already knows everything there is to know about me.
Do you think male and females can be friends?
- Yes.
What technological device could you not live without?
- Speakers and anything that plays music.
If you could have been born in any year, what year would it have been?
- Oh wow... 2013 or somwhere between the middle ages and the 1800's.
Would you like to be famous?
- To some extent yes.
Have you ever drank pickle juice straight from the jar?
- Drank what now? Never heard of it so no. xD
Do you lie about your weight?
- No. I don't need to because I don't know what I weigh. Last time I checked my weight was like 2 years ago. xD
Again, anyone who read this survey, I challenge you to do it as well!
- Haha no. That'd be mean.
Do you secretely hope that a specific relative will die?
- Relative? No.
Do you know you have mold growing in the refridgerator and do nothing about it?
- Nope. Cleaned it out only a few days ago.
Have you ever been attracted to someone very unattractive?
- Yes.
Would you prefer to sleep with your dog than anyone else?
- I don't know. My dog sleeps in my bed anyway.
Would you eat a cow eye for a price?
- Only if it tastes better than anything on this planet!
If the walls could talk, what would they say about you?
- "She's nasty... so lonely..." Or something? I don't know xD
Do you secretly pick your scabs?
- Secretly? No. xD
What would your best friend be surprised to know about you?
- Nothing. She already knows everything there is to know about me.
Do you think male and females can be friends?
- Yes.
What technological device could you not live without?
- Speakers and anything that plays music.
If you could have been born in any year, what year would it have been?
- Oh wow... 2013 or somwhere between the middle ages and the 1800's.
Would you like to be famous?
- To some extent yes.
Have you ever drank pickle juice straight from the jar?
- Drank what now? Never heard of it so no. xD
Do you lie about your weight?
- No. I don't need to because I don't know what I weigh. Last time I checked my weight was like 2 years ago. xD
Again, anyone who read this survey, I challenge you to do it as well!
Who is?
Who is the person that txt's you alot?
- That has to be Sofia, my absolutely closest friend irl.
Who is the person/people that is/are your besties?
- Oh lets see.. the one I have met irl are Sofia, Ebba, Evelina, Sara and Emelie. Online is Kas and Heather I'd say because they are the only ones I've known long.
Who is the person that cheats in class all the time?
- I don't have classes anymore...
Who is the person that is the class clown?
- Look above..
Who is the person that really irritates you?
- Hmm... An old classmate named Kat and also my one hate object.
Who is the person that is really cute?
- Oh that has to be Denise. She's the cutest little girl ever, both in manners and looks and she's only one year younger than me.
Who is the person that is a perv?
- Kas! xD And Lal o.o lmao xD
Who is the person that you think hates you?
- My hate object probably.
Who is the person that secretly likes you?
- No one? And if it is secret, how would I know? XD
Who is the person that is straight up bitchy?
- Well... Sofia, but only when she's pissed xD It's hilarious actually.
Who is the person that you hang out with most of the time?
- Hmm.. Sofia and Evelina I guess.
Who is the person that you are dating?
- No one. Duh!
Who is the person that makes you laugh?
- Well the people that make me laugh are; Sofia, Evelina, Emelie, Kas, Heather, Mal and Alan I think. Remind me if I forgot someone. o.o
Who is the person that can't fight?
- Me! xD
Who is the person that is always on the computer 24/7?
- Hmm... Alan.
- That has to be Sofia, my absolutely closest friend irl.
Who is the person/people that is/are your besties?
- Oh lets see.. the one I have met irl are Sofia, Ebba, Evelina, Sara and Emelie. Online is Kas and Heather I'd say because they are the only ones I've known long.
Who is the person that cheats in class all the time?
- I don't have classes anymore...
Who is the person that is the class clown?
- Look above..
Who is the person that really irritates you?
- Hmm... An old classmate named Kat and also my one hate object.
Who is the person that is really cute?
- Oh that has to be Denise. She's the cutest little girl ever, both in manners and looks and she's only one year younger than me.
Who is the person that is a perv?
- Kas! xD And Lal o.o lmao xD
Who is the person that you think hates you?
- My hate object probably.
Who is the person that secretly likes you?
- No one? And if it is secret, how would I know? XD
Who is the person that is straight up bitchy?
- Well... Sofia, but only when she's pissed xD It's hilarious actually.
Who is the person that you hang out with most of the time?
- Hmm.. Sofia and Evelina I guess.
Who is the person that you are dating?
- No one. Duh!
Who is the person that makes you laugh?
- Well the people that make me laugh are; Sofia, Evelina, Emelie, Kas, Heather, Mal and Alan I think. Remind me if I forgot someone. o.o
Who is the person that can't fight?
- Me! xD
Who is the person that is always on the computer 24/7?
- Hmm... Alan.
What's the first that comes to your mind?
What word comes to your mind if I say life?
- Death
- Soul
- Soul
- Bad
- Bad
- Life
- Life
- Ugly
- Ugly
- Tears
- Tears
- Smile
- Smile
- Silence
- Silence
- Heart
- Heart
- Round and shiny
- Round and shiny
- Hell
- Hell
- Fun
- Fun
- False
- False
- PS3!
- PS3!
- Villain Anyone who has read this survey must do it as well!
... What a WONDEFUL day...
Okay so the day hasn't been that bad... at least at the start of it. Me and my brother decided to modify an old couch/bed thing we have in our cellar because it was unusable in the state it had been standing for a week or so since they tried to fold the bed part back into place.
So, we removed the bed part completely which left ups with only the frame of the couch. And on top of that the front part was completely loose, so we got some wooden pieces from the garage, measured, sawed and put nails and screws int hem and viola! We now have a reasonably good couch. Awesome!
Then mom got home after a weekend alone with the dogs, in our summer house. She didn't seem too happy.. OH! And not to mention, last night me and my brother found out that our cousin, who turned 6 only a week ago, is in the hospital and the doctors doesn't seem to know what is wrong with him... Great...
Anyway, back to today. So, mom got home, not looking too happy and she seemed even more unhappy when we told her we had modified the couch.. Which was earlier not usable.. Yay. Also we had to tell that yesterday, the dishwasher broke... Again! For the hundreth time. I'm not only worried for my cousin right now but also extremely worried for my mother. I swear she's going to sleep into a heavy depression if this goes on. Oh and to top it all off, I accidently broke our internet router so now we can't get internet here. I'm able to because I have a mobile one as well. But mom has to use a cable from the modem to the computer and my brother can't use it at all.. Hurray for me being fuckin stupid! -.-
And last, I apologize for taking my frustration out on any brave soul that has read through this entire blog post. Well done!
So, we removed the bed part completely which left ups with only the frame of the couch. And on top of that the front part was completely loose, so we got some wooden pieces from the garage, measured, sawed and put nails and screws int hem and viola! We now have a reasonably good couch. Awesome!
Then mom got home after a weekend alone with the dogs, in our summer house. She didn't seem too happy.. OH! And not to mention, last night me and my brother found out that our cousin, who turned 6 only a week ago, is in the hospital and the doctors doesn't seem to know what is wrong with him... Great...
Anyway, back to today. So, mom got home, not looking too happy and she seemed even more unhappy when we told her we had modified the couch.. Which was earlier not usable.. Yay. Also we had to tell that yesterday, the dishwasher broke... Again! For the hundreth time. I'm not only worried for my cousin right now but also extremely worried for my mother. I swear she's going to sleep into a heavy depression if this goes on. Oh and to top it all off, I accidently broke our internet router so now we can't get internet here. I'm able to because I have a mobile one as well. But mom has to use a cable from the modem to the computer and my brother can't use it at all.. Hurray for me being fuckin stupid! -.-
And last, I apologize for taking my frustration out on any brave soul that has read through this entire blog post. Well done!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Another birthday...
So.. summing up the day it has been pretty good.
I woke up, took care of the dogs and ate and saw that the sun was up, YAY!
Once that was done I took a shower and got ready to head to the restaurant with my mom and granparents + brother.
We got to the restaurant, which was a thai one, and got our tables and the menus. Spent quite some time deiciding what to eat and once we had ordered we waited and chatted and I got a few presents.
The food came, we ate. It was DELICIOUS! I can't tell you how long I've been craving thai food and now I finally got it! Heavenly!
Anyway once we were done eat we chatted some more and the "grown-ups" minus me took a cup of coffee. Me and my brother took another glass of coca-cola. The we left and went home.
Now that I'm home I am not doing a lot. Simply listening to music and writing this blog. Sadly, me and my brother just got pissy at eachother and I have really NO idea what made it so but I'm betting it is something silly. I don't even know what to say to apologize to him, or even if I should apologize.. Grrrreat (please feel the sarcasm).... Doesn't feel like a good way to end my birthday. Oh well, I've had worse I guess.. Maybe.
Meh! I'm out!
I woke up, took care of the dogs and ate and saw that the sun was up, YAY!
Once that was done I took a shower and got ready to head to the restaurant with my mom and granparents + brother.
We got to the restaurant, which was a thai one, and got our tables and the menus. Spent quite some time deiciding what to eat and once we had ordered we waited and chatted and I got a few presents.
The food came, we ate. It was DELICIOUS! I can't tell you how long I've been craving thai food and now I finally got it! Heavenly!
Anyway once we were done eat we chatted some more and the "grown-ups" minus me took a cup of coffee. Me and my brother took another glass of coca-cola. The we left and went home.
Now that I'm home I am not doing a lot. Simply listening to music and writing this blog. Sadly, me and my brother just got pissy at eachother and I have really NO idea what made it so but I'm betting it is something silly. I don't even know what to say to apologize to him, or even if I should apologize.. Grrrreat (please feel the sarcasm).... Doesn't feel like a good way to end my birthday. Oh well, I've had worse I guess.. Maybe.
Meh! I'm out!
Monday, September 5, 2011
Happy Birthday!
So... Today not much has happened. It's been pouring down all day and my grandad came and took his car back >_> So, I'm stranded.. well not really but it feels like I am. also sent out yet another batch of job apps today. Hoping for some luck.
And onto happier stuff!
One of my old friends, whom I'm sure none of you know of, and who doesn't read this blog, turns 21 today. So, even though she doesn't read my blog, I still want to tell her happy birthday on here. Just for the sake of writing something that isn't a survey/quiz.
So, Happy Birthday Ebba!! :D
And yeah... that's about all that I have today. Will probably put up another survey/quiz thing later though.
Buh-bye and I'll be back later. :P
And onto happier stuff!
One of my old friends, whom I'm sure none of you know of, and who doesn't read this blog, turns 21 today. So, even though she doesn't read my blog, I still want to tell her happy birthday on here. Just for the sake of writing something that isn't a survey/quiz.
So, Happy Birthday Ebba!! :D
And yeah... that's about all that I have today. Will probably put up another survey/quiz thing later though.
Buh-bye and I'll be back later. :P
Friday, September 2, 2011
And yes, it is yet another survey. Rejoice! XD
What are you thinking RIGHT NOW?
- "Gosh... another survey.."
- "Gosh... another survey.."
What about NOW?
For $100 would you call 911 and tell them you were being abducted by aliens?
- No. I'd want more than $100 xD
- No. I'd want more than $100 xD
What is under your bed right now?
- A monster named Dust.
- A monster named Dust.
Do you sing along to cheesy 80s love songs in the car when you're alone?
- No, can't say I do since I don't really listen to that kind of music.
- No, can't say I do since I don't really listen to that kind of music.
What can you do with a brick?
- Smash a window?
- Smash a window?
Which is worse: being hot or cold while trying to sleep?
- Hot.
- Hot.
If you had to choose, what kind of fruit would you be?
- Maybe... I don't know.. a melon?
- Maybe... I don't know.. a melon?
If you could spend 24 hours as the opposite sex, would you?
- Yeah, just to see how it is xD
- Yeah, just to see how it is xD
Are there disgusting leftovers in your refrigerator right now?
- Nope. And it's not my refrigerator, it's my mom's. xD
- Nope. And it's not my refrigerator, it's my mom's. xD
Have you ever woke up thinking you were somewhere else?
- Too many times.
- Too many times.
Do you believe in closet monsters?
- Not anymore.
- Not anymore.
Do you ever look in the mirror and notice your pores?
- Always... Geez I'm a girl.. I look for flaws on myself. lol xD
- Always... Geez I'm a girl.. I look for flaws on myself. lol xD
If you were trapped with a criminal, who would it be if you could choose?
- Err... I don't know. I don't really keep up with who's a criminal and not. xD
- Err... I don't know. I don't really keep up with who's a criminal and not. xD
Are there any repetitive noises you like to make that drive others crazy?
- Nope.
- Nope.
What song would you like to have played at your funeral?
- Oh wow... Either it would be "Wolf Moon" by Type O Negative or it would be some kind of Nightwish, Within Temptation or Epica song. I have no clue xD. Maybe a Kamelot song? XD
- Oh wow... Either it would be "Wolf Moon" by Type O Negative or it would be some kind of Nightwish, Within Temptation or Epica song. I have no clue xD. Maybe a Kamelot song? XD
Have you ever looked at pictures of yourself and wondered if you really look like that?
- Nope.
- Nope.
Would you listen to a band called The Amazing Butt Lemons?
- Maybe, if they actually make good music.
- Maybe, if they actually make good music.
How many illegal things have you done and not gotten caught?
- 0. Illegal isn't my style :P
- 0. Illegal isn't my style :P
Read any good books lately?
- Not lately, no. Good books are getting hard to come by and the ones that I don't already have I can't afford atm. T_T
- Not lately, no. Good books are getting hard to come by and the ones that I don't already have I can't afford atm. T_T
What is the coolest thing you've ever seen?
- I... have no idea..
- I... have no idea..
When was the last time you dusted under your television?
- Years ago. About the same time as I got rid of it.
- Years ago. About the same time as I got rid of it.
What is something totally random that gets on your nerves? (besides this quiz)
- A certain slang for "butt"... I donno why, it just irks me. >_>
- A certain slang for "butt"... I donno why, it just irks me. >_>
Is there a ghost in the room with you right now?
- Haha I really doubt that. xD
- Haha I really doubt that. xD
If you could walk up and slap someone you really couldn't stand, with no adverse reaction, would you do it?
- Yes.
- Yes.
Do you spy on your neighbors?
- Lol no, I have better things to do. xD
- Lol no, I have better things to do. xD
What common, everyday sound really grates your nerves?
- None.
- None.
Do you leave wet towels on the floor after a shower?
- Nope.
- Nope.
Et tu, Brute?
- Que? o.o
- Que? o.o
Is this the most random quiz you've ever taken?
- I think so?
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Reply to Kaskad's Blog
- If we could spend a day together irl, what would you want to do (In detail)?
- I have no idea. I'd just like to hang out and have loads of fun. What we would do wouldn't really be that important.
- What is the worst nightmare you remember having in your life?
- Oh wow.. hmm.. That has to be one that I had when I was 11 or 12 years old. It started with me, my mom and my brother were about to go on a trip to Denmark. But once we were in Denmark we heard a loud boom and looked back only to see that Sweden had basically been wiped off of the face of the earth. All that remained was smoke. So we moved from Denmark to Germany and from there to the next country. And each time we left a country and landed in another, the country we left disappeared and just when the country we landed in was about to disappear and take us with it, I woke up drenched in sweat, all tangled up in my sheets and hysterical. Not a fun dream. - Alternatively, what is the best dream you remember having in your life?
- Well it might not sound that great, but when I was little I always had this dream that came back every now and then. It was just a meadow on a summer day, with all sorts of flowers and sometimes any kind of real or mythological animal passing through. There was always a perfect breeze blowing across the meadow and it was always peaceful and beautiful. - If you could have any one super power, what would it be?
- I don't know.. Probably something that would let me control an element. - What do you think the best song to describe me is (With a YouTube link to it)?
- I'm not really sure.. Maybe Sonata Arctica's song "Broken." Hard to explain why. It's just a feeling I get. Have a listen. - If there was a zombie apocalypse, what do you imagine my weapon of choice to be?
- Guns? Or something blunt? - What animal would you say reminds you of me?
- Wow good question. I guess it might be a large, kind and sweet dog. Probably because of your brown eyes xD - What would your dream job be?
- Something in the music indistry. Don't really care exactly what it is as long as I get to work with music in some way. - Would you trust me with your life?
- Yes. - What is your happiest memory?
- I don't remember. But I've been told that when I was little.. like.. 2 years old, I was the only thing on my dad's mind. I guess that's a happy "memory". - What is your most romantic memory?
- Lol I don't have one and you know that xD - (This'll be a good one) If we were being invaded by aliens and I somehow became the spokesperson for Earth, and the leader of the aliens threatened me to my face, what do you think my actions would be?
- I don't even dare to think about it. o.o Lmao jkjk. I don't know. Maybe sucker punch it and then run? XD - How much do you think I'm worth (In £s preferably.....use an online converter you wacky Swedes, Americanos and Canadins! xD)?
- Lol Kas. That's a silly question. You are invaluable. =) No number would be high enough. - What is your naughtiest fantasy (If ya don't have one, make one up for the sake of this Q xD)?
- Waaaaaay to fucked up to write out here. xD Sorreh. It's bad and sick though... >_> - What fictional character would you say reminds you of me (Link me to a pic or wiki page in case I don't know them, like some kind of weird Swedish fiction :P)?
- Lol Kas, don't be mean to meh D: Hmm let's see.. you remind me of.. Naruto? XD Here's the link :P - What do you think my best quality is, emotionally/mentally?
- You're very kind and forgiving. You have a heart of gold. - What do you think my best quality is, physically?
- Your kind eyes. - Here's one, do you know what my lucky number is?
- 10? lol I have no clue and yet I am so sure you've told me. It's embarassing if you have and I can't recall it >_< - Where did the nickname "Kaskad" originate for me? Do you know? If not, guess. xD
- Again, I'm pretty sure you've told me this, and I can't recall it. x.x So I'm guessing it came from... someone mispronouncing something when adressing you? - Last one, What's my all time favourite song? :O
- Kill me if I'm wrong.. Snuff by Slipknot? x.x
- How many years have we known each other?
- What kind of creature, real or myth, do I remind you of and why?
- How many siblings do I have?
- What song do you think describes me the best? Why?
- If the world was about to end in 48 hours. What would you do and why would you do it?
- Do you think you know me well?
- Have you ever regretted knowing me?
- What kind of girl would you say I am?
- What anime character do I remind you of?
- What's your worst fear come true?
- What's your dream come true?
- What's your favourtie movie?
- How do you feel right now?
- Describe your dirtiest fantasy.
- Describe your most romantic moment.
- Of all the things in the world, what do you want most and why?
- What do you think are my worst tendencies?
- What are my best tendencies?
- What's my favourite color?
- How would you react if I one day, completely without notice, stood on your doostep and would have nowhere to go?
Monday, August 29, 2011
And another quiz lol
Do you sleep in your bra?
No. That is very uncomfortable.. o.o
Do you enjoy drama?
No not really. I like craziness. :P
Are you a girly girl?
Last person you hugged?
Hmm... Probably my best friend irl.
Small or big handbags?
Both.. Depends on the situation.
Do you think you’re conceited?
Every now and then. xD
Do you dress up on Halloween?
Well duh! Of course I do. It's loads of fun! :D
Are you double jointed?
Double-what now...? o.o
Where is the weirdest place you have slept?
Err.. No idea. Don't think I have slept in any weird places yet. xD
Has anyone touched/smacked your butt ?
Yes. Once. >_> Didn't like it and didn't like the dude who did it.
Last person you hung out with?
My best friend, Sofia. Still hanging out with her right now.
Do you call anybody by their last name?
I don't think so. Unless it's like.. a boss or something.
How many guys will read this just because it says Lady Survey?
I don't know since that is now what I will name it. xD
Do you wear makeup?
Yes. Whenever I feel like it.
Ever cried at a movie theater?
Yes. When I saw "Bambi" as a kid. My mom had to take me out of the theater. xD
Can you put on mascara without opening your mouth?
I can but I don't think I do it that often. xD I think I usually look like a dead fish when I put on mascara. xP
Do you think Ryan Sheckler is cute?
Who? O.o
Eyeliner or Mascara?
BOTH! I like to make my eyes visible among all the other paleness in my face xD
Louis Vuitton or Dooney?
Err... Iron Fist :D
Heels or sneakers?
Well.. for an everyday thing, sneaker, definitely. Though I do really love high heels and they make my legs look darn good, haha! xD
Straight or curly hair?
Straight I guess, since I've finally gotten used to mine. xD
Hoops or dangling earings?
Dangling. I only manage to tug the hoops. xD
Do you prefer light or dark haired guys?
Err... I don't care what skintone they have.
Are you currently frustrated with a guy?
Do you have a best friend?
I definitely do. :)
Have you ever had your heart broken?
Err... no not quite. I've been hurt, but never heartbroken.
Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?
I did when I was like 15 or 16. Passed that now.
Do you like your life?
Not quite. Can't even say I have one at the moment.
Has your ex boyfriend ever gone out with one of your friends?
LMAO no. I don't have an ex.
Ever walked into the guys bathroom?
Have you ever jumped in the pool with your clothes on?
Yeah well.. more like a like than a pool.
Would you ever tell someone you loved them even though you didn't mean it?
I'd really regret it if I did...
Have you ever slapped a boy in the face?
Yes. My brother when he was behaving like a total moron. But I wonder if that counts..
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
No. But I've cried just before falling asleep.
Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?
Once. I don't think it will happen again anytime soon.
Do you believe in the saying once a cheater, always a cheater?
Not really. I believe people can change.
Have you ever had a good feeling about something?
Not really.
Do you ever wish you were famous?
YES! Soooo many times!
Are you currently missing someone?
Not a particular someone... just.. the closeness of someone.
Contacts or Glasses?
Contacts.... Even though I do have glasses. -.-
Funny or Serious?
A little bit of both is good.
Romantic or Daredevil?
Again, a little bit of both is good.
Cute or Hot?
How about beautiful...
Long Hair or Short Hair?
Long. But short hair is really nice during summer.
Good Dancer or Good Singer?
Both. I like dancing and I like singing.
Basketball Player or Football Player?
Basketball. Only because I actually like playing basket, while I don't really like playing nor watching football.
Why isn't ice hockey ever a choice?
I really don't care why.
Smoker or Non-smoker?
Has a Motorcycle or Has a Sports Car?
Both! Any fast vehicle that's made for land is a win! :P
Summer, Winter, Spring or Fall?
All of them! Why be picky when there's so much great things all year around.
No. That is very uncomfortable.. o.o
Do you enjoy drama?
No not really. I like craziness. :P
Are you a girly girl?
Last person you hugged?
Hmm... Probably my best friend irl.
Small or big handbags?
Both.. Depends on the situation.
Do you think you’re conceited?
Every now and then. xD
Do you dress up on Halloween?
Well duh! Of course I do. It's loads of fun! :D
Are you double jointed?
Double-what now...? o.o
Where is the weirdest place you have slept?
Err.. No idea. Don't think I have slept in any weird places yet. xD
Has anyone touched/smacked your butt ?
Yes. Once. >_> Didn't like it and didn't like the dude who did it.
Last person you hung out with?
My best friend, Sofia. Still hanging out with her right now.
Do you call anybody by their last name?
I don't think so. Unless it's like.. a boss or something.
How many guys will read this just because it says Lady Survey?
I don't know since that is now what I will name it. xD
Do you wear makeup?
Yes. Whenever I feel like it.
Ever cried at a movie theater?
Yes. When I saw "Bambi" as a kid. My mom had to take me out of the theater. xD
Can you put on mascara without opening your mouth?
I can but I don't think I do it that often. xD I think I usually look like a dead fish when I put on mascara. xP
Do you think Ryan Sheckler is cute?
Who? O.o
Eyeliner or Mascara?
BOTH! I like to make my eyes visible among all the other paleness in my face xD
Louis Vuitton or Dooney?
Err... Iron Fist :D
Heels or sneakers?
Well.. for an everyday thing, sneaker, definitely. Though I do really love high heels and they make my legs look darn good, haha! xD
Straight or curly hair?
Straight I guess, since I've finally gotten used to mine. xD
Hoops or dangling earings?
Dangling. I only manage to tug the hoops. xD
Do you prefer light or dark haired guys?
Err... I don't care what skintone they have.
Are you currently frustrated with a guy?
Do you have a best friend?
I definitely do. :)
Have you ever had your heart broken?
Err... no not quite. I've been hurt, but never heartbroken.
Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?
I did when I was like 15 or 16. Passed that now.
Do you like your life?
Not quite. Can't even say I have one at the moment.
Has your ex boyfriend ever gone out with one of your friends?
LMAO no. I don't have an ex.
Ever walked into the guys bathroom?
Have you ever jumped in the pool with your clothes on?
Yeah well.. more like a like than a pool.
Would you ever tell someone you loved them even though you didn't mean it?
I'd really regret it if I did...
Have you ever slapped a boy in the face?
Yes. My brother when he was behaving like a total moron. But I wonder if that counts..
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
No. But I've cried just before falling asleep.
Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?
Once. I don't think it will happen again anytime soon.
Do you believe in the saying once a cheater, always a cheater?
Not really. I believe people can change.
Have you ever had a good feeling about something?
Not really.
Do you ever wish you were famous?
YES! Soooo many times!
Are you currently missing someone?
Not a particular someone... just.. the closeness of someone.
Contacts or Glasses?
Contacts.... Even though I do have glasses. -.-
Funny or Serious?
A little bit of both is good.
Romantic or Daredevil?
Again, a little bit of both is good.
Cute or Hot?
How about beautiful...
Long Hair or Short Hair?
Long. But short hair is really nice during summer.
Good Dancer or Good Singer?
Both. I like dancing and I like singing.
Basketball Player or Football Player?
Basketball. Only because I actually like playing basket, while I don't really like playing nor watching football.
Why isn't ice hockey ever a choice?
I really don't care why.
Smoker or Non-smoker?
Has a Motorcycle or Has a Sports Car?
Both! Any fast vehicle that's made for land is a win! :P
Summer, Winter, Spring or Fall?
All of them! Why be picky when there's so much great things all year around.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Another quite useless survey. Yay! XD
And yet another stolen quiz, which was stolen from someone else before I stole it xD
What size is the last bed you kissed on? Err... I have no idea what size that bed was.
When was the last time you were sick? Maybe 2 years ago or so.
Are you one of those people who are always cold? Definitely not.
What are you listening to? Some shitty commercial.
How many more days until your birthday? 11... Wow. I didn't realize it's that close now. o.o
Do you have any summer plans yet? Hah! Even if I had I wouldn't have use of them now as it's the end of summer.
When was the last time you shaved your legs? A month ago or so.
Is there someone you wish you were closer with? Nope. Not at the moment.
Do you tend to waste a lot of money? Nope. Not really. Can't say I have any to waste anyway though, lol.
Have any addictions? Yes! Chocolate!
Are you anything like your siblings? A little bit. It's fun.
Have you ever had a stalker? Haha no. xD
What did you last drink? Hmm.. water.
Have you ever received an injury from a hook up? Umm.. no. xD
What did you last eat? Two sandwiches.
What was the best concert you have been to? Marylin Manson in 2007.
Who is the last person you hugged? Evelina, another bestie in real life.
Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex? Yes. 3.
When was the last time you had a crowd at your house? Never. I have no life. xD
What can you smell? Nothing.
How many cell phones have you had? 9.. It's horrible, I know.
Do you have trust issues? Yes, very much so.
Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now? Nope. I trust my best friends with my life, thus they know everything about me.
Where do you get all your clothes? Different places. I buy what I like.
What did you do today? Took the dogs for a walk. That's about it.
Do you have a YouTube account? Yes. Jinxydotcom
Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone? Nope.
Have you ever regretted kissing someone? Yes! Very much.
Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? Heh nope.
Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile? Yes.
Have you ever sent a text to the wrong person? Yes.. especially when people change their numbers without telling me. -.-
Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone? I'm used to sleep alone, so I guess I'll go with sleeping alone.
Will next friday be a good one?I sure hope so. Got nothing planned though.
When was the last time something bothered you? Only a few weeks ago.
Do you think age matters in relationships? That depends on the personalities of the people in the relationships.
Have you ever lived with a girlfriend/boyfriend? That would be an impossibility since I have never had a boyfriend. Wow these surveys are certainly rubbing that fact in. xD
When will your next kiss be? Never I guess.
Who was the first male you talked to today? My brother.
And it is done!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Did you evers..
Did you ever eat a penny? No.
Did you ever fall in love? Nope. But I did have a very long crush once.
Did you ever cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend? Nope.
Did you ever feel like you didn't exist? Many, many times.
Did you ever dance in the rain? Yes. It's a lot of fun. ^^
Did you ever lie to someone, to keep from hurting them? Of course. Everyone lies.
Did you ever eat chocolate on your waffles? Nope.
Did you ever get in a fight? Nope.
Did you ever have a penpal? Yes. An old friend of mine and I were penpals for a little while. As well as some random girl I met at some camping somewhere.
Did you ever forget your boyfriend/girlfriend's birthday? Nope
Did you ever wish you could see a leprechaun? Yes!
Did you ever stay up all night, hoping someone would call/text/email you? Yes! Especially some nights when I'm all alone.
Did you ever forget your keys in your house? Yep. Did that several times when I was younger.
Did you ever get in a (fist) fight with a sibling? Nope. But loads of arguments and such.
Did you ever fall in love? Nope. But I did have a very long crush once.
Did you ever cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend? Nope.
Did you ever feel like you didn't exist? Many, many times.
Did you ever dance in the rain? Yes. It's a lot of fun. ^^
Did you ever lie to someone, to keep from hurting them? Of course. Everyone lies.
Did you ever eat chocolate on your waffles? Nope.
Did you ever get in a fight? Nope.
Did you ever have a penpal? Yes. An old friend of mine and I were penpals for a little while. As well as some random girl I met at some camping somewhere.
Did you ever forget your boyfriend/girlfriend's birthday? Nope
Did you ever wish you could see a leprechaun? Yes!
Did you ever stay up all night, hoping someone would call/text/email you? Yes! Especially some nights when I'm all alone.
Did you ever forget your keys in your house? Yep. Did that several times when I was younger.
Did you ever get in a (fist) fight with a sibling? Nope. But loads of arguments and such.
Would you...?
Lick a frog or lick a one dollar bill? The one dollar bill.
Be a nerd and have friends that love you or be popular and have friends that hate you? Nerd! Definitely nerd. Who would want to have friends that hate them? Can people like that even be called friends?
Dye your hair pink or eat raw hamburger meat? Eww... Tough one.. The raw hamburger meat I guess.
Go naked to school all day or fail a semester? Go naked to school.
Have a nice nerdy boyfriend or have a hoot jerk boyfriend? Nerdy boyfriend.
Have swine flu or not be able to move for a year? The swine flu.
Be a hobo or be in jail for a year? Be in jail.
Have a random one night stand or have to take a homelesss man anywhere he wants to go for a year? Hmm... Take the hobo anywhere he wants to go. It's a good thing to do!
Wear overalls for a month or not take a shower for a month? Overalls. No question about it.
Not be able to google or not be able to sleep for one day? Not be able to google. Geez, I'm not THAT addicted to it.
Have to be on crutches to get around or have to kiss the grossest guy you know? Be on crutches.
Have to read a 500 page book in 1 day or have to do 500 pages of civics work in 1 day? Read the 500 page book. Ease peasy. Especially if the book is good.
Watch a marathon of mash or have to watch the food network all day and not eat? The Mash marathon..
Be in a movie or help the neddy? Help the neddy. I'm no good in front of a camera xD
Build a house or eat a worm? Build a house. Creating something is fun!
Create a survey or create a poll? Poll.
Not be able to talk to the opposite sex for a year or be in your room for a year? Not be able to talk to the opposite sex. Already unable to do that really so that's no biggy. xD
Not able to watch tv or not able to listen to music? Not able to watch TV. lol. I NEED my daily dose of music though.
Have to drink orange soda for the rest of your life or just eat pasta for the rest of your life? Eat pasta. Do you have any idea how many differnt kinds of pasta you can make? TONS!
Go to colloge or go to the marines? College.
Get married or have a baby? Neither! HAH! Not even if I my life depended on it.
Launch a website or be a ceo of a company? Err... Launch a website I guess.
Not be able to watch your favorite movie or not be able to watch your favorite show? Not be able to watch my favourite movie.
Be able to play an instrument or be a star for nothing? Be able to play an instrument.
Not be able to eat chocolate or not be able to drink coke? Not be able to drink coke. I'm a chocolate addict xD
Be a nerd and have friends that love you or be popular and have friends that hate you? Nerd! Definitely nerd. Who would want to have friends that hate them? Can people like that even be called friends?
Dye your hair pink or eat raw hamburger meat? Eww... Tough one.. The raw hamburger meat I guess.
Go naked to school all day or fail a semester? Go naked to school.
Have a nice nerdy boyfriend or have a hoot jerk boyfriend? Nerdy boyfriend.
Have swine flu or not be able to move for a year? The swine flu.
Be a hobo or be in jail for a year? Be in jail.
Have a random one night stand or have to take a homelesss man anywhere he wants to go for a year? Hmm... Take the hobo anywhere he wants to go. It's a good thing to do!
Wear overalls for a month or not take a shower for a month? Overalls. No question about it.
Not be able to google or not be able to sleep for one day? Not be able to google. Geez, I'm not THAT addicted to it.
Have to be on crutches to get around or have to kiss the grossest guy you know? Be on crutches.
Have to read a 500 page book in 1 day or have to do 500 pages of civics work in 1 day? Read the 500 page book. Ease peasy. Especially if the book is good.
Watch a marathon of mash or have to watch the food network all day and not eat? The Mash marathon..
Be in a movie or help the neddy? Help the neddy. I'm no good in front of a camera xD
Build a house or eat a worm? Build a house. Creating something is fun!
Create a survey or create a poll? Poll.
Not be able to talk to the opposite sex for a year or be in your room for a year? Not be able to talk to the opposite sex. Already unable to do that really so that's no biggy. xD
Not able to watch tv or not able to listen to music? Not able to watch TV. lol. I NEED my daily dose of music though.
Have to drink orange soda for the rest of your life or just eat pasta for the rest of your life? Eat pasta. Do you have any idea how many differnt kinds of pasta you can make? TONS!
Go to colloge or go to the marines? College.
Get married or have a baby? Neither! HAH! Not even if I my life depended on it.
Launch a website or be a ceo of a company? Err... Launch a website I guess.
Not be able to watch your favorite movie or not be able to watch your favorite show? Not be able to watch my favourite movie.
Be able to play an instrument or be a star for nothing? Be able to play an instrument.
Not be able to eat chocolate or not be able to drink coke? Not be able to drink coke. I'm a chocolate addict xD
Another quick survey. xD
Would you eat green eggs and ham? No.
Would you bunge jump? Never in my life. o.o
Would you play strip poker? Maaaybe. ^^''
Would you jump from a plane? No!
Would you swim with sharks? Definitely not!
Would you dance in your underwear? Maybe if I ever get totally wasted and it's humid and hot as a sauna, I might. xD
Would you lie about your age? Nah, no need.
Would you sleep naked? Sure. I just don't prefer it.
Would you kiss and tell? Nah, I don't think so.
Would you sneak into a movie? Yes! If I could.
Would you undress in public? Err... isn't that kinda what you do on the beach?
Would you go skinny dipping? Sure.
Would you steal a car? The thought has crossed my mind.
Would you play Santa Claus? Hehe nope.
Would you take candy from a baby? Nah. Can't stand the annoying crying.
Would you bunge jump? Never in my life. o.o
Would you play strip poker? Maaaybe. ^^''
Would you jump from a plane? No!
Would you swim with sharks? Definitely not!
Would you dance in your underwear? Maybe if I ever get totally wasted and it's humid and hot as a sauna, I might. xD
Would you lie about your age? Nah, no need.
Would you sleep naked? Sure. I just don't prefer it.
Would you kiss and tell? Nah, I don't think so.
Would you sneak into a movie? Yes! If I could.
Would you undress in public? Err... isn't that kinda what you do on the beach?
Would you go skinny dipping? Sure.
Would you steal a car? The thought has crossed my mind.
Would you play Santa Claus? Hehe nope.
Would you take candy from a baby? Nah. Can't stand the annoying crying.
Tired, late night survey lol.
And once again, for what feels like the 100th time, I am stealing another survey from Kas. xD
1. Last beverage = Err.. Coca Cola.
2. Last phone call = My mom.
3. Last text message =My real life best friend.
4. Last song you listened too = The Blind Will Lead The Blind by Sparzanza
5. Last time you cried = A couple of months ago.
6. Dated someone twice = Nope
7. Been cheated on = Nope
8. Kissed someone & regretted it = Yes
9. Lost someone special = Yes
10. Been depressed = A little.
11. Been drunk and threw up = Nope
12. Black
13. Purple
14. Red
15. Made a new friend = Yes. A lovely and hilarious girl named Margite.
16. Fallen in love = Nope. Thank goodness.
17. Met someone who changed you = Umm nope.
18. Found out who your true friends were = Heh, I already know that by now.
19. Found out someone was talking about you = Nope.
20. How many kids do you want to have = None if I have any say in it lol.
21. Do you have any pets = Yes, two dogs and one cat.
22. Do you want to change your name? = Yes.
23. What did you do for your last birthday = Absolutely nothing. Who'd want to celebrate that day anyway lol.
24. What time did you wake up today = 11 am I think.
25. What were you doing at midnight last night? = Playing Forsaken World.
26. Name something you CANNOT wait for = Getting a job!
27. Last time you saw your mother = Maybe 5 hours ago or so.
28. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? = How dumb I am.
29. What are you listening to right now = Nothing and it's driving me insane.
30. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom = No. But I have talked to one named Tommie.
31. What's getting on your nerves right now = The lack of music around me..
32. Most visited webpage = Youtube or Grooveshark.
33. What's your name = Jennifer...
34. Nickname = Jenni, Jen, Red, Jinxy, Jenkins..
35. Relationship status = Single.
36. Zodiac sign = Virgo.
37. Male/Female = Female
38. Primary school = Granås school/Rånnums school
39. High school = Birger Sjöberggymnasiet
40. College = None.
41. Hair color = Red
42. Long or short = Long
43. Aftershave (current) = None.
44. Do you have a crush on someone? = Nope.
45. What do you like about yourself = My eyes?
46. Piercings = No.
47. Tattoos = Yes, two.
48. Righty or lefty = Righty.
49. First surgery =Never had one.
50. First piercing =None.
51. First best friends = Can't remember her name..
52. First sport you joined = None.
53. First vacation = Denmark.
54. Eating = Nothing.
55. Drinking = Nothing.
56. I’m about to = Chat.
57. Listening to = The rain pouring down.
58. Waiting for = Nothing.
59. Want kids? = Never.
60. Want to get married? = Definitely never ever.
61. Career? = In the music business would be nice.
62. Lips or eyes = Eyes first and foremost.
62. Hugs or kisses = Hugs. They're nice and warm.
63. Shorter or taller = Taller.
64. Older or younger = Doesn't matter.
65. Romantic or spontaneous = Both would be nice.
66. Smart or good face =A little bit of both.
67. Sensitive or loud =Again, a little bit of both.
68. Hook up or relationship = Doesn't matter.
69. trouble maker or hesitant =A little bit of both, once again.
70. Kisssed a stranger = Yes.
71. Drank hard liquor = Yes.
72. Lost glasses/contacts = No.
73. Sex on first date = Yes.... Sadly..
74. Broken someone's heart = I think so..
75. Had your own heart broken = Kinda..
76. Been arrested = Nope.
77. Turned someone down = Nope.
78. Cried when someone died = Yes.
79. Fallen for a friend = Nope.
80. Miracles = No.
81. Love at first sight = Definitely not.
82. Heaven = No.
83. Angels = Not quite, but something along those lines.
84. Had more than one girlfriend/boyfriend at a time = Hahah nope.
85. Did you sing today? = Yes. A lot. It was nice.
86. Ever cheated on somebody = Nope.
87. If you could go back in time, how far would you go = Donno. It would depend on my mood I guess.
88. If you could pick a day this year and relive it what would it be = One of the days during my class trip to Rome.
89. Are you afraid of falling in love = Definitely. I've seen so many things that can go wrong so I'm wondering if it's even worth to bother.
Okay.. sorry for the feeling of repeat that you will most likely get in the beginning of this, but I just found... er.. I mean, stole it from Kas because I thought it is a better version of my other survey about me xD
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right
Your Heritage: Scandinavian to the core.
The Shoes You Wore Today: None.
Name: Jennifer... but I beg you, stick to Jenni, Jen, Jinxy, Red... anything really except for Jennifer.
Birthday: September 8th Birthplace: Vargön, Västra Götaland, Sweden.
Current Location: Same as birthplace..
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5'4" I think..Eye Color: Blue
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right
Your Heritage: Scandinavian to the core.
The Shoes You Wore Today: None.
Your Weakness: Everything?
Your Fears: Huge spiders, dying alone and dying before I've done certain things.
Your Perfect Pizza: Any pizza as long as it is well made.
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Getting a job. That would be nice.
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: "lol"
Thoughts First Waking Up: "Dun wannaaaaaa~"
Your Best Physical Feature: My eyes? I really don't know..
Your Bedtime: Don't have one.
Your Most Missed Memory: Oh wow.. the time between 2004 and 2006.
Pepsi or Coke: Coke.
MacDonalds or Burger King: I choose MAX! And I pretty sure no one outside of Sweden knows what that is, HAHA!
Single or Group Dates: I don't know and I don't think I care.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Neither. I don't drink ice tea.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Both!
Cappuccino or Coffee: Neither. YUCK!
Do you Smoke: Hell no!
Do you Swear: Hell yes!
Do you Sing: Yup.
Do you Shower Daily: No. Every other day. Daily showers ain't good for me.
Have you Been in Love: I don't think so.
Do you want to go to University: No. Screw education. I want a job!
Do you want to get Married: Never in a million years.
Do you believe in yourself: Not really.
Do you get Motion Sickness: No.
Do you think you are Attractive: No... Or at least I wouldn't use that word.
Are you a Health Freak: I don't think so.
Do you get along with your Parents: With my mom, somewhat. My dad, I don't think so. lol.
Do you like Thunderstorms: Yes! Love them. And we've had quite a few ones here.
Do you play an Instrument: Well.. sort of. I play the guitar, the piano and the violin a little.
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Nope.
In the past month have you Smoked: Yuck, no.
In the past month have you been on Drugs: Nope.
In the past month have you gone on a Date: Hahah no. xD
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Actually no. I should've though..
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: Ewww no way!
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: I wish..
In the past month have you been on Stage: Heh in my dreams..
In the past month have you been Dumped: Err.. no. Since I haven't had a relationship.
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: Nope. Would've been fun to though.
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: Definitely not.
Ever been Drunk: Yes.
Ever been called a Tease: No.
Ever been Beaten up: No. I'm good at staying out of situations like that.
Ever Shoplifted: Nope.
How do you want to Die: In the company of someone who cares.
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Something good.
What country would you most like to Visit: Scotland, England, Ireland, America, Australia, Japan and Germany are on the top of my list.
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Uh... I don't know..Blue, green, brown, grey, heterochromia. Doesn't really matter.
Favourite Hair Color: Oh that has to be either black or brown. Blonde is too.. bleh.. makes me think of swedish brats. x.x
Short or Long Hair: Both works fine as long as they take care of the hair if it's long.
Height: Over 5'4". It'd just feel a little bit odd if they were shorter than me.
Weight: I don't know and I honestly don't care.
Best Clothing Style: Rock-ish style. No suits! Hate suits!
Number of Drugs I have taken: 0
Number of CDs I own: Uhm around 40 or so? And then a whole bunch of albums on my computer. Number of Piercings: None.
Number of Tattoos: 2
Number of things in my Past I Regret: A few.
And then it is done! Wohooo!
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